Struggling to find Rhythm

Monday, 01-21-08
2 Miles Sick in 14:00
Tuesday, 01-22-08
7 Miles Recovery around Pigeon Hill in 46:34
Wednesday, 01-23-08
8 Miles around Pigeon Hill in 52:00 + 6 x 100m Uphill
Thursday, 01-24-08
2 Miles in 14:32, 4 Miles in 22:54, 2 Miles in 13:53
5:47, 11:30 (5:43), 17:15 (5:45), 5:39
8 Miles Total in 51:21
Friday, 01-25-08
8 Miles Easy around Percy Warner Park (TN) in 52:07
Saturday, 01-26-08
7 Mile Fun Run in Murfreesboro, TN in 51:03
Sunday, 01-27-08
12 Miles to Cheatham Hill and Back in 1:12:54
Pick-Ups of 1', 1', 2', 1', 2' every 5'
50 Miles

* I love Percy Warner Park. Miles of beautiful, solitary roads throughout a scenic park. I had the best 8M run there this morning in 1-degree windchill weather, but it was beautiful. Yesterday's 4M tempo absolutely woke up my body, especially the strength in my legs. 22:54. I'll take it. Today's eight was extremely hilly, but I had no major issues. Hoping for a good morning ten tomorrow in Murfreesboro.

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