Let's See

ALPHA LEVEL 15, Week 1

Monday, 01-28-08
10 Miles down West Trail in 1:05:26, 8 x 100m Uphill
Tuesday, 01-29-08
3.5 Miles in 23:39, 8 x 1:20 Uphill, 1.5 Miles in 10:18
9 Miles Total in 59:47
Wednesday, 01-30-08
12 Miles Easy up Cheatham Hill in 1:14:50
Thursday, 01-31-08
10 Miles Relaxed around The River with Josh Myers in 1:12:22
Friday, 02-01-08
9 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 55:21, 8 x 100m Uphill
Saturday, 02-02-08
13 Miles, Pick-Ups of 1', 3', 2', 3', 1', 5' (alt. 3'/4' Rests) in 1:24:36
Sunday, 02-03-08
10 Miles Relaxed down West Trail in 1:04:13
73 Miles

* After a Clinic at Athlete's Foot in Tuscaloosa, I took Ryan K's advice to run on the Sandy Spring Rd., Univ. of Alabama training dirt road. I did not need much convincing and headed out on the suprisingly short drive. Nice dirt road with pot-holes. Only negative was that I was feeling the week's mileage and was not fully recovered from yesterday's run and strides. I was having hamstring issues by 15-minutes and knew it might be a long day. Plan was 45-minutes out and then head home with the fartlek. At first I thought, man, what a flat road. But then, some stellar long inclines started up and soon enough, I found my pickups coincidentally starting on the uphills. By halfway, I was toast. Completely trashed and depleted. There was a Shooting Range which was so amazingly loud, yet a bit freaky. Anyway, to cap it off, a Kenyan flies by me on my 2nd to last pick-up, and I try to stay with him, but I'm trying to recover. I then catch him, trash myself, and then catch another group of a Kenyan and Zac Edwards, who just went 8:14 indoors. Chatted with them briefly, and then finished my run. Glad I had the dedication to run it out there and not drive the 3 hours home and then run. Need the work. Up to about 30% fitness. We shall see...

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