So, Where Do We Go From Here?

Week of Rest
Saturday, 12-15-2007
7 Miles Moderate around Pigeon Hill in 47:58
Rough first run back from 6 days of recovery. Lungs felt good, but legs are definitely weak. Right calf/soleus ended up aching quite a bit, quite painful, perhaps from the slant in the roads. Wore 9.5 Axioms for the first time and they are going to work well. Felt good. Tough last 10' or so, with stopping and depletion.
Sunday, 12-16-2007
9 Mile Progression around Pigeon Hill w/ Kevin Clary in 59:14
Completley crazy. This morning I read online of a certain Kevin Clary moving into town (the Running Gods replace Michael Green with Clary, always keeping the ATL competitive). Anyway, I researched him and he's a great runner with 3:48/14:18 credentials. Anyhow, I started out conservatively in freezing weather, making good time, but unsure of the return home. As I was about to hop back onto Burnt Hickory, there was this guy reading the park map, looking lost, asking for directions. I noted his racing flats, and asked him to join me so I could show him the run home, as he was worried about re-crossing the Mountain. Turns out, it was Mr. Clary himself! Great guy. He also ran Club Nationals and will be gearing for US Nationals. The rich (ATC) just get richer. Need to keep training hard. Life does not get easier.
20 Miles

* And so, I will be re-evaluating my training. The first item that will change is my training habits: I will switch to a predominantly once/day runner, which is pretty much what I have been this whole past year. If I can commit to some serious solo singular efforts, I see no reason why I cannot continue to seek my potential.

Secondly, my work commitments will be increasing on the weekends, and thus, I will not be racing as much. I will have 1-2 major races per quarter, and that's it. Everything else will be training. This is a welcome change, as it forces me to focus more on the task at hand and saves some money in the long run.

Wish me well. I am in need of some serious motivation and clarity.

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