Introductory Period

Monday, 12-17-2007
13 Miles Easy around Cheatham Hill in 1:28:00
* Boy, did I know that was going to be a long run. My legs were a bit trashed from yesterday's encounter and from the first mile I felt my left leg not functioning properly. However, I pressed on, knowing I had to get the work done. I was on pace to run my Cheatham Hill loop in 1 hr 40' so I cut the run short by heading up Old Mtn. Rd. Good decision. Ate like crazy. Starving.
Tuesday, 12-18-2007
7 Miles Moderate around Pigeon Hill in 47:02
* Alright, already knocked a minute off this course from Saturday. Started out slowly, built into the run, my left foot still having pronation pains, but I kept a good rhythm. Some aches and pain, but was able to zone-out the last 10' of the run, Geb-like.
Wednesday, 12-19-2007
9 Mile Progression around Pigeon Hill in 57:38

* Interesting. Learned a lot about running this morning. I have not been using my upper-body enough when I run, so I did today and got more effort out of the run and work tremendously well in rainy and wet conditions. Really worked well the final 1.5 miles on the road back home. Still focusing on Geb-like Zen and hands. Great after miserable start (left hamstring).
Thursday, 12-20-2007
9 Mile Progression around Pigeon Hill in 56:33 + 8 x 100m Uphill
* Solid work, once again. Started out rough, with left hammy issues, but soon got rolling, trying to control the effort, and soon I was working very well up and down the hills and was able to attack well the final few miles. Uphill Strides were much needed, in the rain, and once again confronted by an anal Reserve Resident. What is with these people!? CR.
Friday, 12-21-2007
10 Miles Relaxed down West Trail in 1:06:17

* Great morning run. It is getting more and more difficult to wake up in the morning. Worked brilliantly. Right glute is only concern/tightness/painful, but it is not limiting my running. Just need to do more strength work. Left calf was tight from yesterday's strides. Worked well. Pleased, 127 lbs.
Saturday, 12-22-2007
Drive to Houston
Sunday, 12-23-2007
10 Miles Steady with Jake and Rudy in 1:07:45
58 Miles

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