Race Week

14-Day Competition Pattern

Monday, 12-03-2007
7 Miles Steady around Pigeon Hill in 42:13
Tuesday, 12-04-2007
20' Warm-Up,
1600m in 4:47, 5-Mile Run in 29:01, 1600m in 4:49
10' Cool-Down
12 Miles Total in 1:15:00
Wednesday, 12-05-2007
12 Miles Steady to Cheatham Hill in 1:12:37
Thursday, 12-06-2007
20' Warm-Up,
1200 in 3:29, 5 Miles Easy in 30:51,
3 x 300 Cut-Downs (Jog 100m) in :53, :54, :49
10' Cool-Down
12 Miles Total in 1:15:00
Friday, 12-07-2007
4 Miles Easy at Concord Park (Knoxville, TN) in 28:13
Saturday, 12-08-2007
20' Warm-Up,
USATF Club Cross Country Nationals 10K, 34:08
5:18, 10:39 (5:21), 16:04 (5:24), 21:42 (5:37), 12:26
Sunday, 12-09-2007
60 Miles

* My reaction to the USATF 2012 Olympic Marathon Trials Standards of 2:19:00, 1:05:00, 28:30 - I will continue to train and run as I have been for the past few years, post-collegiately. However, I will perhaps make one last charge at a serious marathon, that being 2008 Boston, in order to fulfill my inner demons. Otherwise, I will transition to a once/day runner due to continued work and life commitments. Doubles will be bonus and if possible. Goals will shift to US Championships and not the Olympic Trials. The USATF has completely professionalized the sport and I cannot commit to the training necessary to run sub-2:19 and/or 1:05:00. I can, however, continue to be the best that I can be, day-in, and day-out. Good night.

* Very pleased with this morning's workout. Goal was 4:45 Miles with a 5-Mile Run in between efforts and I ran very hard. Showing solid fitness, just feel the musculature is not there to really bust some speed. Could not have asked more from my 5 mile run, as I flowed well, and then thanks to my temporary watch (Timex w/ Black background), I could not see my splits, so I just ran as hard as I could. Very pleased to have both 1600's under 4:50.

* Wow, Club Nationals was absolutey challenging. Snow, mud, 400+ runners. I did not go out hard enough (although I crossed the mile in 5:18 and was in 135th Place), ran great through 4 Miles and then my left leg just tightened up and I became weak and all the guys I passed, just passed me back. Perhaps should have finished closer to 80th instead of 93rd, but really, does it matter!? Amazing the depth we are getting in this country. However, my training has been sub-par since my Marathon diversion, and it showed today. Teammate Leo Kormanick, whom I lost to by :08 at Great American finished 14th today! I was over 1:30 behind him today. I need to re-focus or get out. I will re-focus.

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