Week II

Alright, am off to a solid start in my full second week of training, post-Victoria. Started off with a very solid fartlek and am repeating more of the same Oregon System with just an increase in mileage and an introduction to running twice daily on certain days. I just rationalized that I can work harder than my current workload only if my leg does not intensify with pain, which it is not. Am looking to time trial at the end of my third week of training. 16'10" is the goal.

Monday, 11-13-2006
AM: 51' for 8 Miles of Fartlek at the Seabrook Trails- 6 x 3' Easy, 3' Hard...
PM: 27'39" for 4 Miles of Recovery at Nottingham Park
Tuesday, 11-14-2006
1h16'13" for 12 Miles Steady at the Seabrook Trails
Wednesday, 11-15-2006
AM: 40'47" for 6 Miles of Recovery at the Seabrook Trails
PM: 23'08" for 3 Miles of Recovery at Nottingham Park
Thursday, 11-16-2006
1h03'12" for 10 Miles of Hill Workout of 24 x 200M Up Kemah Bridge
(Jog Down Recovery)
11'05", 38-37-37-36-37-35-36-36-36-36-36-36-36-35-35-35-36-36-34-35-33-34-34-35", 12'21"
Friday, 11-17-2006
AM: 32'45" for 5 Miles on the Seabrook Trails
PM: 22'17" for 3 Miles of Recovery in Heritage Park
Saturday, 11-18-2006
1h17'31" for 12 Miles of Variable Pacing (1M easy, 1M medium, 1M hard...) at Memorial Park
7'27, 6'45, 5'48, 6'35*, 6'41, 5'45, 6'47*, 6'42, 5'37, 6'53*, 6'56, 5'30
* short mile, add @ 20-30 seconds for true split.
Sunday, 11-19-2006
43'55" for 7 Miles Recovery around the Seabrook Trails

Total: 70 Miles

* So, very impressed with a 70M week. Did not really feel like I ran that much. Must be the beautiful weather we have had lately. My adductors seem to be behaving well. Any time that they get really painful, I just do a couple of sets of diagonal lunges and I will instantly feel better. Must be a strengthening issue. Anyhow, another solid week in the books (only two weeks of training, can't wait for 52 consecutively) and next week looks to be in the 80+ range before I transition into track work. Pretty solid 12M variable pacing run with such poor sleep (thanks to Victoria), but I am managing well.

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