I'm Back

Alright, thanks for your patience. I have been a bit out of touch due to the birth of my second beautiful daughter, Victoria Rodriguez, who was born on November 2nd at 7:40AM weighing 6 lbs 5 ounces and measuring 19" long.

My family, consisting of my Mom, Dad, older brother Alex and his wife Julie, flew into town for the birth. Perla is doing fine and so is Victoria and older sister Madelyn.

So, back to training: after a solid hill session on the Kemah Bridge on the afternoon of Victoria's birth, I took Friday off, ran about 4 miles with my Dad around the Seabrook Trails on Saturday, and then took Sunday off. I had been running well, so I was disappointed with my lapse in training, but there is only so much energy one can expend in a day, so...

Monday, 11-06-2006
46'36" Fartlek for 7 Miles of 6 x 3' hard, 3' easy at Nottingham Park
Tuesday, 11-07-2006
1h08'04" Progression for 10 Miles with Chad at the Seabrook Trails
Wednesday, 11-08-2006
31'46" Recovery for 5 Miles at Nottingham Park
Thursday, 11-09-2006
58'38" Hill Workout for 9 Miles of 24 x 200m up the Kemah Bridge
(Jog Down Recovery)
8'36, 46-44-43-36-36-36-36-36-36-36-35-36-35-36-35-37-36-35-35-36-36-36-35-35", 11'
Friday, 11-10-2006
26'42" Recovery for 4 Miles at Nottingham Park
Saturday, 11-11-2006
58'27" Fartlek for 9 Miles at Memorial Park of 2 Miles Easy, 1 Mile Hard...
14'06, 5'12, 14'15, 5'21, 14'14, 5'17"
Sunday, 11-12-2006
38'14" for 6 Miles at Seabrook Trails
Total: 50 Miles

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