Attempting Some Up-Tempo

Tuesday, 8-29-2006
43'50" for 7 Miles around Allen Parkway, including 4.75 Miles in 29'33"

Almost a mistake. My right quad was feeling better, but it was still tight, especially in the first 15' warm-up before I was going to take on the infamous Allen Parkway 4.75 mile loop. Actually, I was going to do this run on Memorial's 3 mile loop, but I figured, heck, Allen Parkway is perfect and even has hills! Well, it sure has hills. I started off on my 15' warm-up at St. Thomas High School, not feeling too confident. The little voice was telling me to postpone this run, that maybe I should introduce tempo next week, maybe in September... get some more running under your belt. But I have been feeling strong... why not?

So, I started off and immediately I hit a major downhill and my adductor is awake. Great. But my quad feels better at this faster pace. 1'26" through 1/4 mile and 2'56" through 800 meters. I am already feeling the strain of the hills and the course and the humidity and the fact that my legs are so freaking weak. I love hills to give me reality. I remember days of flying through this loop in the middle of a 24-mile run. Anyway, I hit 2 miles in 12'22" figuring I may end up running slower than my regular run at Memorial, so great job on the "tempo", Gaby. But I press on..

I go through periods of running smoothly, and then running painfully. I start falling apart at 3 miles, just enough to make me stop and stretch and re-evaluate my run. I get going again and hammer for home as best I can. I am feeling pretty good. I have to stop due to traffic at one point before 4 miles, but I am thankful and continue on... Kevin Landry honks at me, he must be thiking I'm running crazy hard, but my watch is reading 6' pace.. the goal was 5-45-5'55" pace.

I finish the 4.75 mile loop in 29'33" and bravely tack on another 27". I figured I averaged about 6'10-6'15" pace. Hey, it's a step in the right direction.

And I'll be back on Thursday to improve upon this time. Period.

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