Mo, 1/7/2019
AM: 30 min treadmill at 7.0 mph and 0.5% grade ~ 4 mi
PM: 10 min spin on stationary bike
Tu, 1/8/2019
35 min treadmill, first 20 min at 7.5 mph and 0.5% grade, last 15 min 8.0 mph/1.0% ~ 5 mi
We, 1/9/2019
AM: 15 min warm-up, 2 x 600m in 2:01, 1:57 (r. 2') + 4' + 2 x 400m in 75, 76 (r. 90") + 4' + 2 x 300m in 54, 55 (r. 90") at Central York
* Pretty solid. Hip hurt due to PT yesterday, but had faith in improvement. Great decision on new, more stable flats. Felt strong, not perfect, but getting there. Bailed on the final 600/500/400/800 set, would've been out of time and too much.
PM: 10 min spin on stationary bike
Th, 1/10/2019
35 min on treadmill at 7.5 mph and 0.5% grade ~ 5mi
Fr, 1/11/2019
4 miles on the Greenway with 187ft of climb in 30:12
Sa, 1/12/2019
15 min warm-up, YRRC Indian Rock Dam 1M in 5:29 + 2 x 2 min fast, rec. 1 min ~ 4 mi
* 1st Overall... 18-degrees, maybe 12-degrees.. didn't feel great on the warm-up.. had a tight right calf and my typical front left thigh was weak. Almost missed the start, thanks to Perla for holding up the starter just enough so I could roll into the start. Was working a bit, relaxed, hit the hairpin (too tight of a turn, dead-stop) in 2:45 and knew I had to work harder. Ran into kids/people on the way back upstream, but I finished tremendously well. Had a great surge of energy and power the last 20-30 seconds, mimicking a kick. Opted for 5 x 2 min on the rail trail, but after 2 of them was too stiff, unsure to continue and called it a day. Good decision. On the right path. Post-race feel really, really good. No pains.
Su, 1/13/2019
4 miles on snowy trails near Lake Redman with 310ft of gain in 38:51
30 Miles with 538ft of Elevation Gain in 3hr47'

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