Mo, 1/21/2019
4 miles in -13 degrees around Lake Redman backside in 34:49
Tu, 1/22/2019
5 miles in 1-degree around Trail 6 Loop with 679ft of gain in 40:21
We, 1/23/2019
15 min warm-up, 2 x 2000m in 6:58, 6:59 (rec. 3') + 4' rest + 1000m in 3:21
* Very surprising. Warm-up was horrible as my TFL was just not cooperating. However, I got it under control and started the workout in the dark. Didn't look at splits, just worked on running comfortable. Hit the mile in about 5:35 and finished up. There was no way I thought I could start, let alone, finish a second 2000m. However, thankfully I had been watching El G videos all week and simply focused on being as relaxed as possible in the upper body. I thought I'd only make 1km, but rallied well, fell apart, and finished in an astounding 6:59. I swore I was going to run 7:30. Pumped. The 1000m was pretty easy in terms of running strongly and finishing strongly. Really pleased with effort. If I can figure out this TFL, I will fly.
Th, 1/24/2019
4 miserable miles in 29:05
Fr, 1/25/2019
5 miles at Nixon Park with 781ft in 45:02
Sa, 1/26/2019
4 miles out at Nixon Park with 797ft of elevation gain in 37:11
Su, 1/27/2019
Warm-Up, "Chilly Cheeks 7M" in 53:02
* GAP 6:28/mi... 
35 Miles with 4,354ft of Elevation Gain in 4h40'

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