
Showing posts from January, 2019


Mo, 1/28/2019 Rest Tu, 1/29/2019 Rest We, 1/30/2019 4 miles in the snow at Nixon Park with 715ft of gain in 35:05 Th, 1/31/2019 15 min warm-up, 10 x 300m (rec. 1') in 59, 59, 58, 58, 58, 58, 59, 58, 60, 58 Fr, 2/01/2019 4 miles at Nixon Park with 689ft of gain in 35:33 Sa, 2/02/2019 3 miles around Lake Williams in about 30-35 min Su, 2/03/2019 Warm-up, BRRC Super Bowl Trail 8M in 55:30 * 3rd Overall, 1st Master... well, forgot my gel, got out fast, but those two leaders were gone. Kept my eye on Driscoll and he went hard, but once I caught up to him I thought I could make some ground on the lead pair, but no way. Just kept working. By halfway knew my left calf was not happy from the weakness in my left leg. I just need to train more. I really fell apart the last 2 miles, not happy with that. Last week was a better race, but I held onto my podium position. Now Super Bowl. Total 22 Miles with 2,766ft of Elevation Gain in 3h10'


Mo, 1/21/2019 4 miles in -13 degrees around Lake Redman backside in 34:49 Tu, 1/22/2019 5 miles in 1-degree around Trail 6 Loop with 679ft of gain in 40:21 We, 1/23/2019 15 min warm-up, 2 x 2000m in 6:58, 6:59 (rec. 3') + 4' rest + 1000m in 3:21 * Very surprising. Warm-up was horrible as my TFL was just not cooperating. However, I got it under control and started the workout in the dark. Didn't look at splits, just worked on running comfortable. Hit the mile in about 5:35 and finished up. There was no way I thought I could start, let alone, finish a second 2000m. However, thankfully I had been watching El G videos all week and simply focused on being as relaxed as possible in the upper body. I thought I'd only make 1km, but rallied well, fell apart, and finished in an astounding 6:59. I swore I was going to run 7:30. Pumped. The 1000m was pretty easy in terms of running strongly and finishing strongly. Really pleased with effort. If I can figure out this TFL, I wi...


Mo, 1/14/2019 30 min on treadmill at 8.0 mph / 2% grade ~ 4 mi Tu, 1/15/2019 4+ miles thru the Inner Harbor in Baltimore in 28:07 We, 1/16/2019 15 min, 5 x 300m in 62, 60, 60, 59, 58 (rec. 2') + 4 x 600m in 2:02, 2:03, 2:01, 2:03 (rec. 1') Th, 1/17/2019 Rest Fr, 1/18/2019 5 miles in the snow at Nixon Park with 1,026ft of gain in 47:24 Sa, 1/19/2019 8 mile long run at "The U" with 679ft of gain in 1:02:11 Su, 1/20/2019 1+ mile shake-out in the neighborhood in 9:45 Total 26 Miles with 1,811ft of Elevation Gain in 3h36'


Mo, 1/7/2019 AM: 30 min treadmill at 7.0 mph and 0.5% grade ~ 4 mi PM: 10 min spin on stationary bike Tu, 1/8/2019 35 min treadmill, first 20 min at 7.5 mph and 0.5% grade, last 15 min 8.0 mph/1.0% ~ 5 mi We, 1/9/2019 AM: 15 min warm-up, 2 x 600m in 2:01, 1:57 (r. 2') + 4' + 2 x 400m in 75, 76 (r. 90") + 4' + 2 x 300m in 54, 55 (r. 90") at Central York * Pretty solid. Hip hurt due to PT yesterday, but had faith in improvement. Great decision on new, more stable flats. Felt strong, not perfect, but getting there. Bailed on the final 600/500/400/800 set, would've been out of time and too much. PM: 10 min spin on stationary bike Th, 1/10/2019 35 min on treadmill at 7.5 mph and 0.5% grade ~ 5mi Fr, 1/11/2019 4 miles on the Greenway with 187ft of climb in 30:12 Sa, 1/12/2019 15 min warm-up,  YRRC Indian Rock Dam 1M in 5:29  + 2 x 2 min fast, rec. 1 min ~ 4 mi * 1st Overall... 18-degrees, maybe 12-degrees.. didn't feel great on the warm-up.. had a...


Mo, 12/31/2018 Travel to Seven Valleys Tu, 1/1/2019 AM: 30 min on treadmill at 7.5mph and 0.5% grade ~ 4 mi PM: 10 min spin on stationary bike We, 1/2/2019 30 min on treadmill at 7.5mph and 0.5% grade ~ 4 mi Th, 1/3/2019 AM: 30 min on treadmill at 7.5mph and 0.5% grade ~ 4 mi PM: 10 min spin on stationary bike Fr, 1/4/2019 15 min warm-up, 1000m in 3:27 (rest. 2:30) + 600m in 1:58 (rest 1:00) + 200m in 36 (rest 3:00) + 600m in 2:00 (rest 2:00) + 400m in 76 at Central York High School ~ 4 mi Sa, 1/5/2019 30 min on treadmill at 7.5mph and 0.5% grade ~ 4 mi Su, 1/6/2019 8.5km hilly trail run with 627ft of elevation gain in 42:07 Total 25 Miles with 627ft of Elevation Gain in 3h07'