Mo, 9/12/2016
AM: 6 miles easy on the Rail Trail in 44:33 + Jump Squats
PM: Physical Therapy with Jerod (right Glute)
Tu, 9/13/2016
2.5 mile warm-up in 21:45 + 5 x 1200m in 4:21, 4:15, 4:14, 4:13, 4:08 with 400m jog
* avg. 84.6... not bad. Pretty happy. Had the strength and form. Jerod did a great job yesterday really working on my rotator muscles in my right glute/hip. Only slight issues with right post-tib and left adductor, and running a little crooked (not able to run straight line in Lane 1), but man, was I pleased. Great work. 
We, 9/14/2016
3 mile recovery on the Rail Trail in 23:34
Th, 9/15/2016
AM: 2.5 miles down Union in 19:08 + 4km up Union in 15:48
* avg. 5:55/mi GAP, 6:29/mi back up Union in a CR. Was tired running down, but once I switched on, I was flying and effortless and strong. The whole way I was excited about how well I was running. Finished up strongly. Only left hammy issues, but everything else rolling. Very pleased with progress. Last week was 16:05. 
PM: Physical Therapy - Left TFL, Post-Tibs
Fr, 9/16/2016
8 miles easy down to the Rail Trail in 1:02:35
* avg. 7:46/mi.. been waking up more and more tired this week, but got out there in the dark, looking forward to the run with fresh post-tibs and feeling out my TFL.. beautiful sunrise of fire. Some issues with R PT, but figured it out and then jogged up Union and finished well around the house. No rush, looking forward to tomorrow.
Sa, 9/17/2016
Rock 'n' the Knob 10K in 45:04 CR

* avg. 7:35/mi.. 1,124ft of elevation gain... HR avg. 176 bpm.. max 183 bpm.. holy crap, red-lined thanks to Kevin Doyle, former 13:55 Hanson, making it hard to catch him, and then when I did, I couldn't really gap him until the major descent (thanks X-Wings) and then hit the "Scramble" which was unbelievable like the Big Round Top I haven't done in years and once you summited it, there was still another climb and then you had to descend. What a course. Really worked my muscles well, but so proud how I held up. Great work from my PT team. Need to keep this up because mid-race really questioned why I do this to myself. 
Su, 9/18/2016
Rest & Recovery
38 Miles with 1,978ft of Elevation Gain

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