Mo, 9/26/2016
8 miles steady, Bekele-like, with 351ft of gain in 58:42
* avg. 7:16/mi... damn, thanks Bekele! I was so impressed with his leg extension, I tried to copy it and it worked wonderfully. Had such fluidity and energy towards the end of the run. Was very impressed and pleased. Awesome run, best average pace in a long, long, time and was tired with a headlamp to start.
Tu, 9/27/2016
1 mi warm-up, 3 x Road Mile at Ft. McHenry in 5:31, 5:23, 5:35 (rec. < 3:00), 1 mile
* horrible. Drove in at 5AM for Europe presentations and had no energy. Nothing. Running was a disaster. I should know better. Didn't gain any confidence from this. Never again. Will adjust. Ugh.
We, 9/28/2016
5km easy on the Rail Trail in 22:41
* avg. 7:17/mi... nice and easy, nice and strong. Very pleased. 
Th, 9/29/2016
2.5 miles down Union Church Rd. in 20:09, 6km uphill in a rainsotrm in 25:41
* avg. 7:12/mi... great freaking run. Was mentally prepared to run in the rain and got after it. Felt pretty good on the descent, and then mentally prepared for 6km instead of 5km on a new course. Was climbing so well into such a big headwind, was 7 bpm lower than previous attempts. Avg. 160bpm and 6:18/mi GAP for the 25:41 6KM segment. Really pleased with the effort. Legs felt great, finished at 5:54/mi just cranking. Still need more speedwork, but mechanics are great.
Fr, 9/30/2016
8 miles easy down to the Rail Trail with 384ft in a rainstorm in 1:00:32
* avg. 7:28/mi... solid run. Really pleased with fitness. Some left post-tib issues, but all good.
Sa, 10/1/2016
4 miles easy to the Howard Tunnel + 5 x 60m strides up Ranch Rd. in 30:00
* Change of plans... was going to race Paul Short, but I was burnt out from the week of work and commuting. Opted to stay close to home, watch Victoria's soccer match, and save the effort for tomorrow's Blue Steel Stampede 21K.
Su, 10/2/2016
Blue Steel Stampede Trail 21K in 1:27:27
* avg. 7:38/mi... 1,741ft of elevation gain.. Course Record (previous, 1:30:58.4, Ryan Stasiowski - 2015).. nice muddy, foggy, misty morning. I felt off again on the warm-up, but lined up feeling good. Right VMO funky, but all good. Started out smoothly behind Ryan, then got on his shoulder and he said, "Alright, see you at the finsih line, " conceding defeat. I ran as smooth as I could and was feeling like I was on for a great day. However, by the 5/6th mile, my left foot was landing awkward and the calf/post-tib tight, and this caused a ripple effect up to my hips. Had to stop a couple of times to adjust my hips and my laces. But I really rolled the last 1.5 miles or so after a rough patch. Awesome finish and strength. Good win, but not happy with the positive split. 5:37/mi GAP opener is promising.
48 Miles with 2,930ft of Elevation Gain

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