Mo, 7/11/2016
3 miles in 21:49
Tu, 7/12/2016
1.5 miles down the Greenway in 11:26
We, 7/13/2016
AM: 2 mile family run in Miami with Perla, Joe, and Rebecca in 19:02
PM: 2 mile easy around the block in 16:12
Th, 7/14/2016
Fr, 7/15/2016
2 mile warm-up in 16:04 + 4 x 200m in 35, 36, 36, 36 + 2 mile cool-down at Varela
Sa, 7/16/2016
4 miles easy on the Hollywood Beach boardwalk with Perla in 30:54
Su, 7/17/2016
6 mile long run on the Hollywood Beach boardwalk in 43:48
25 Miles
3 miles in 21:49
Tu, 7/12/2016
1.5 miles down the Greenway in 11:26
We, 7/13/2016
AM: 2 mile family run in Miami with Perla, Joe, and Rebecca in 19:02
PM: 2 mile easy around the block in 16:12
Th, 7/14/2016
Fr, 7/15/2016
2 mile warm-up in 16:04 + 4 x 200m in 35, 36, 36, 36 + 2 mile cool-down at Varela
Sa, 7/16/2016
4 miles easy on the Hollywood Beach boardwalk with Perla in 30:54
Su, 7/17/2016
6 mile long run on the Hollywood Beach boardwalk in 43:48
25 Miles