Mo, 8/1/2016
5 mile recovery on the Rail Trail in 38:47
* avg. 7:42/mi... nice and easy, making sure I am fully functional after yesterday's long hilly run. Felt pretty good. Pace was slow, but no worries. Need this pace to come down over time. 
Tu, 8/2/2016
10K Fartlek - 15' easy, 2 x 90", 4 x 60", 4 x 30", 4 x 15" (equal rest), 10' easy in 43:46
* York College Track.. ran in flats - 7:24/mi warm-up, 5:31/5:41/mi pace for the 90", then 5:17/5:22/5:36/5:32/mi pace for the 60", followed by 5:13/5:17/4:59/5:11 for the 30" and 4:40/4:28/4:27/4:32 for the 15".. pretty promising. At the end there I really got my stride flying. Left post-tib was bothersome the whole way, which was disappointing, but hips were great. I was ready to run and being in flats I felt so strong. Good work. 
We, 8/3/2016
5 mile recovery on the Rail Trail in 41:27
* 8:17/mi... Whoa. Total recovery. Was happy with how I felt, I just don't recover well after workouts. These are the worst days of the week for me. Almost feel like it's better taking a day off, but perhaps I'll get stronger. 
Th, 8/4/2016
AM: 6 miles steady on the Rail Trail in 43:21
* avg. 7:09/mi... felt great. Light and strong, no real issues. Hips are great, calves are great. Very promising. Sort've knew I'd have good energy today. Only negative is that I thought I was running faster than 6:55/mi pace. Still a lot of work to do. This should be 6:35/mi pace.
PM: Physical Therapy
Fr, 8/5/2016
2 mi in 16:24, 2 x (4 x 200m) in 36, 36, 37, 35, 33, 33, 33, 33, 2 mi in 17:33
* Big improvements. Significant head-wind, but rolled through easily with 36s and then shifted effort to 33s to finish up. Very pleased. Some tightness in right hip and some tightness in right/left calves/post-tib. Will be in the 32s sooner than later.
Sa, 8/6/2016
AM: 3 miles easy on the Rail Trail in 23:29
PM: 3 miles easy on the Rail Trail in 23:12
Su, 8/7/2016
9 mile long run down Union Church Rd. and to Mile 10 on the RT in 1:04:39
* avg. 7:18/mi... really great run other than stepping on a tree fruit and twisting my left ankle pretty badly. However, I had really good power up Union Church and only hints of tightness in the hips, etc. Pretty damn happy with fitness.
45 Miles

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