Mo, 6/6/2016
6 miles easy on the Greenway in 45:45
* avg. 7:34/mi... right adductor is seriously tight. Am going to switch days, not double today and get treatment with Jerod. Just jacked up and tight, but feeling in good shape. Got up at 5AM because thought I was going to run 9 miles, but called it at 6. Will shift around the schedule.
Tu, 6/7/2016
AM: 6 miles steady on the Greenway in 44:54
* avg. 7:25/mi.. identical run to yesterday. Goal today is to double. Felt really good. Adductor was great, thanks to Jerod. No problem, some tightness/pain in my left post-tib from needling, but overall I focused on making purposeful strides and finished up quite well. Thinking of Moorcroft the whole way. This is going  to be fun.
PM: 3 miles easy on the Greenway in 23:54
* avg. 7:58/mi.. felt great! Legs are healthy. Like I didn't run. Thought I was running much faster, but my stomach was full from Korean BBQ Cup!! Very promising. Very pleased. 
We, 6/8/2016
Warm-up, 1500/800/300m + 2 x 800m, 2 x 600m in 5:06, 2:36, 55, 2:35, 2:33, 1:52, 1:53
* rec. 2-3 min (1 min before 300)... warm-up was horrible. Need to not eat a big dinner the night before a big track workout. Felt heavy and slow and heavy breathing. Once I got running, I was smooth. Had sharp pain in my left post-tib which bothered me and my right glute/hip was tight, but I opened up well and rolled. Goal was 80s although my target said 84/400m. Felt that was too slow. Maybe I'm in better shape than I think. Great workout, especially the day after my first double in a year+.
Th, 6/9/2016
AM: 7 miles steady out to Nixon Park with 587ft of elevation gain in 55:20
* avg. 8:10/mi.. that was awesome until I sprained my right ankle pretty severely. Inverted it, so my right post-tib pulled heavily. Got going and thankfully no pain around the ankle ligaments, but at night, huge knot in center of post-tib, on my good one! Ugh. Will monitor and work on. Bummer.
PM: 3 miles easy on the Greenway in 23:50
* avg. 7:51/mi... took a bit to warm-up, but the stomach was better. So nice to be able to run twice. I could be great again if I had this lifestyle. Oh well. Improvement over Tuesday's double. 
Fr, 6/10/2016
6 miles easy on the Greenway in 44:40
* avg. 7:23/mi... great run. Felt so light and easy. Was concerned about my twisted post-tib, but that was great, but my left flared up a little, so took care of it. Very pleased with fitness. Just keep working on the little things. 
Sa, 6/11/2016
* avg. 7:11/mi.. 961ft of elevation gain. Perhaps the easiest effort in my life. I practically jogged the course. Total control, total relaxation. Perfect course. HR 160 avg. I only really opened up in the last 2 miles on the sections where I could run without roots and rocks. Felt solid, some fatigue, but finished up well. No issues other than right hip perhaps.
Su, 6/12/2016

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