Mo, 6/20/2016
8 miles moderate on the Greenway and up Water St. in 55:14
* avg. 6:55/mi - 466ft gain... woke up at 4:45am to get this in and I was jet-lagged, but got out there. Wrestled with the idea of 80-min, but then reverted to my 70% rule. Will see if I get in my double today, but I felt light and fast. Really worked and them my right groin started fatiguing. Pushed through, need some work. Amazing what the VK effort did to my legs. So much stronger. Need more work like this.
Tu, 6/21/2016
We, 6/22/2016
2 mile warm-up, 2000 in 6:30 + 1500 in 4:51 + 3 x 800m in 2:34, 2:31, 2:35
* rec. 3:00 after 2000/1500, then 2:00 after 800s.. wasn't motivated, still tired from travel and work and pretty frustrated at my speed, although I am pleased I ran the whole workout. Wanted 77s, but looks like 77s was the end of the workout. Goal was 6:25-6:30 for the 2k, then same pace for 1500 and drop it down on the 800s. Nice and smooth. No real issues. Calves were great, some weakness in left hammie, but all good. Nice work.
Th, 6/23/2016
AM: 6 miles moderate in the rain on the Greenway in 44:54
* avg. 7:25/mi... felt pretty good. Had some strength, then fatigued, then got going again. Right TFL was tight, but worked through it. Got into a good rhythm. Looking to double today.
PM: 4+ miles on the Greenway in 32:23
* avg. 7:34/mi... wow, big improvements. Felt light and fluid, but my left hip locked up finishing up. It was tight the whole way. Damn glute, I felt it from driving in traffic. Ugh.
Fr, 6/24/2016
7 mile progression around Lake Williams with 708ft in 53:56
* avg. 7:40/mi... would've been perfect. but glute (left) is strained. 
Sa, 6/25/2016
2 mile warm-up, 4 x 400m in 72, 71, 72, 73 (rest 2:00) ~ aborted workout
* Goal was 5 x 400m in 72 + 1200 + 5 x 300m + 800m, but my left hip is jacked. Not a happy camper. 
Su, 6/26/2016
Rest / Injured Left Gluteus Minimus
35 Miles

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