Mo, 4/4/2016
4 mile fartlek on the Greenway with 8 x 1:00 fast, rec. 1:00 in 28:00
* 232ft. 5:50/5:35, 6:28/6:18, 5:52/5:28, 5:53/5:45, 5:47/5:15, 5:59/5:13, 5:39/5:19, 5:56/4:52.. avg. 6:58/6:53.. felt really good on a crisp morning. Ran well. No major issues, minor tightness, not really. Solid last 4 uphill. 
Tu, 4/5/2016
6 miles steady up the Greenway in 41:12
* 294ft. 7:13, 6:55, 6:43, 6:42, 6:35, 6:21 (avg. 6:45/mi)... what a great run. Chilly morning, about 27-degrees and windy. Decided to run the Up, had a slight tinge on the first climb, backed off, ran as smoothly as possible. Had some right glute issues, but worked through it and great overall average. Felt controlled. No real tightness finishing up.
We, 4/6/2016
3 mile recovery, starting to get a cold, on the Greenway in 23:09
* 144ft. 7:30, 7:39, 7:37 (avg. 7:35/mi).. purposely took it easy. Getting a cold, either allergies or just getting run down. Ugh.
Th, 4/7/2016
Sick as a Dog
Fr, 4/8/2016
2 mile shake-out and get some blood flow on the Greenway in 15:00
* 91ft. 7:33, 7:07 (avg. 7:22/mi).. still sick, but at least I had energy. Basically spent the whole day in bed yesterday, tested negative for the flu, and just ate soup and shrimp. Nice and easy, no pain in post-tib. Please be gone. Snow tomorrow.
Sa, 4/9/2016
6 mile fartlek of 1 mi easy, 1 mi hard on the Greenway in 41:38
* 285ft. 7:12, 5:57, 8:35, 5:44, 7:59, 6:08 (GAP - 5:34/mi)... great workout. Really pushed myself after being on my deathbed two days ago. Rallied strongly that final mile uphill and really opened up my breathing and legs. Leg felt 100% great.
Su, 4/10/2016
4 mile recovery without Superfeet on the Greenway in 28:24
*180ft. Almost a mistake. Wanted to run without Superfeet to start weening myself off these things (they are so hard, making a knot in my arch), and it was shaky the whole way. Not pleased. Spent the day icing and massaging. Ugh. 
25 Miles

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