Mo, 4/18/2016
2 mile warm-up, Spring Valley 4M Tempo in 25:31
* 393ft -- 6:08, 6:26, 6:40, 6:32 (GAP- 6:26, 6:23, 6:00, 6:07/mi)... super pleased! First of all, what an amazing park and area. This will be one of my future training grounds. A bit rocky, but a great mix of dirt roads, hills, and asphalt. What a tough course. I felt I may have been over my head, but I controlled myself and didn't stop once to a great run. Awesome. 
Tu, 4/19/2016
6 miles easy on the Greenway in 45:34
* 294ft - 7:33/avg, 145HR... definitely fatigued from yesterday's great work. I really didn't want to run past 4 miles, but I need to start making some progress and gaining some strength. Felt really good towards the end. Nice and easy no pain.
We, 4/20/2016
4.5 miles easy around the Inner Harbor in 30:07
* avg. 6:59/mi... felt good after a long drive into work, but my left post-tib was rough I think because of the drive and lack of warming up, strength, hips, etc. Not happy, but it wasn't painful, just woke up suddenly.
Th, 4/21/2016
2 mile warm-up + 2 x 2000m in 6:51, 6:50 (rec. 3:00) + 2 x 800m in 2:35, 2:34 (rec. 1:30)
* Ambitious goal was 3 x 2k + 3 x 800, but quickly realized that's a lot of volume at this point in my training. It was also a great test for my post-tib, as I ran in the DS-Racer without Superfeet, and felt great. Only felt some weakness when I was running the 800s at a harder effort, but no pain and felt great. Split 5:28/5:25-ish thru the miles, happy with my form, felt light, great body positioning at times. Very windy homestretch. Great work. 3.5 miles of work.
Fr, 4/22/2016
7 mile progression down to Nixon Park, up Quiet Walk and around in 54:19
* 702ft - my biggest elevation run to date. Avg. 7:44/mi with the last three miles cutting down to 7:00/mi pace. Obviously was fatigued from yesterday and didn't want to push it. Had some tightness in my right piriformis/quad like any time I do some speedwork starting out. No real concern, but will monitor. Very pleased I held up very well on the trail. Obviously some sensitive spots due to yesterday's dry-needling, but all good. I am ready to go.
Sa, 4/23/2016
6 miles easy on the Greenway in 43:30
* 303ft - avg. 7:13/mi... Victoria had a soccer game at 9:45am and I had planned to run up Kuhn Rd., but re-looked at my training and pushed off Kuhn Rd. for tomorrow. Ran at Noon. Nice and breezy and warm. Ran shirtless the last time up the Greenway. My left glute/hip was a little tight, and I felt quite funky - like allergies coming back - the whole run. Weird energy but very pleased I got it in.
Su, 4/24/2016
6 miles with 3M downhill warm-up and 3M Up Kuhn Rd. in 19:54
* 857ft - 6:40, 7:01, 7:36 = 5:10, 5:48, 5:30 GAP (avg. 5:32/mi).. interesting morning. Watched Kipchoge's 2:03:05, which was so smooth. Then hit up the road, had to go to the bathroom at White Rocks, then stretched and did some strides and headed up Kuhn Rd. with the Dogwood alternate (next workout will be Kuhn 100%). My right leg was just not working. Quad was tight. Right foot crashing in. No power. Stopped three times. Totally sucked. Not happy, but am healthy and crushed the KOMs on the run while jogging. Need a lot of work.
40 Miles with 2,749ft of Elevation Gain

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