Mo, 4/27/2015
5 miles comfortable on the Greenway out to Nixon Park with 220ft of gain in 37:32
* Pretty nervous night after almost cramping up my arch due to self-massage. Definitely have an issue with my right big toe being dysfunctional. Oh well. Run was pretty perfect. Foot was fine, but left hammy/groin was tight. Good call. 
Tu, 4/28/2015
7 mile fartlek around the Lakes of 6 x 5:00 easy, 3:00 fast with 822ft of gain in 50:47
* Hell of a run. Great workout. I felt light, powerful, able to change gears, although not really hammering as I would during an interval session. I absolutely glided up Joppa, no sweat. Pretty awesome. No pain other than right hip. Good.
We, 4/29/2015
11 mile progression around Lake Redman every 2 mi faster with 1,165ft of gain in 1:24:39
* Damn. Great to be training at 100% again. This was nice. Started off with a nasty almost fall and splinter, but started getting warmed-up after a pretty slow opening. Finally got to open up and fight fatigue the last couple of miles of run.
Th, 4/30/2015
5 miles comfortable down the Greenway with 232ft of elevation gain in 36:02
* Absolutely great run. Great feeling of lightweight power. Nice and relaxed, yet a best pace so far on the course. No repercussions from yesterday's effort. Calves are good. Good weather as well. Hips forward, light and moving well. 
Fr, 5/1/2015
9 mile fartlek around Lake Williams of 24 x 80" easy, 40" fast with 902ft in 1:05:06
* Pretty awesome effort. Really impressed with myself. Got out there, and hammered it out. Good form, good change of pace, good efforts. Only #22 and #23 were weak due to weak right hip/glute. Gotta work on that. Great day out there.
Sa, 5/2/2015
4 miles easy around Logan's Reserve with 221ft of gain in 27:41
* Total recovery, clicking off 7:00 miles. Nice and easy in my Guides, worked a little bit, but very comfortable and powerful/in-control on all the uphills and downhills. Great recovery. Girls were passed out, in and out, no drama.
Su, 5/3/2015
7 miles of garbage time at Patapsco with 646ft of elevation gain in 57:59
* Whoa. Should have expected that. After two full days of stress/work, not much food, and then last night's Mayweather vs Pacquiao fight, I was supposed to hammer out 25k with 9 mi fartlek (2mi/1mi) and my tank was empty. Had nothing. 
48 Miles with 4,193ft of Elevation Gain

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