Mo, 4/6/2015
Spring Break in Miami, FL
Tu, 4/7/2015
Travel from MIA
We, 4/8/2015
3 miles easy and comfortable on the Greenway with 143ft of gain in 23:28
* 7:33, 7:33, 7:16... back after a serious battle with some sort of Achilles/Flexor Hallicitus Longus issue on my right leg. Ran in Saucony Guide 7's, which fit very well, but wreaked a bit of havoc on my calves (8mm drop). No pain. Whew.
Th, 4/9/2015
2 mile fartlek out to Ft. McHenry, 8 x 1:00 easy, :40 fast in 13:30
* 6:36/, 6:15... avg. 6:24/mi... pretty impressive. Felt like I wasn't even moving. Wouldn't have been surprised if I saw 7:00/mi for the run. No change in gears, just kept it going. Great to be doing fartlek again. Tightness, but we'll see.
Fr, 4/10/2015
2 miles easy on the Greenway with 92ft of gain in 15:30
* 7:31, 7:13...much needed. Good sensations. I think the run did its job of getting me stronger, while not pushing it. Tomorrow is a big day for me. Going to go for the lake and fartlek in Racer STs.. too much stimulus??
Sa, 4/11/2015
5 mile fartlek around Lake Williams with 1 mi easy, 1 mi hard and 578ft in 38:53
* 7:50 (7:37), 6:57 (6:29), 8:44 (7:30), 6:55 (6:55), 7:49 (7:53)... avg. 7:18/mi GAP... alright. Started out so out of shape. It's like I haven't run in years. I was breathing so hard in that first easy mile that was comfortable. I knew I wouldn't have the power today to really hammer the hard miles, so I did my best to change gears and somewhat attack. Very pleased with how my lower legs felt, but my quads had nothing. Still building back up. Very pleased to be sub-40 on this loop. Lake was beautiful. Felt like I was in Washington, or California. Very pleased. Recovery tomorrow.  
Su, 4/12/2015
8 mile long run around Lake Williams with 877ft of elevation gain in 59:15
20 Miles with 1,686ft of Elevation Gain

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