Mo, 1/12/2015
AM: 4 miles steady on the Treadmill at 9.0 mph and 1.5% grade in 30:00
PM: 6 miles treacherous on snow, slush, and ice down the Greenway in 49:12
Tu, 1/13/2015
AM: 4 miles easy on Treadmill at 8.5 mph and 0.5% grade in 30:00
PM: 2000m in 6:28 (r. 10') + 2 x 600m in 1:53, 1:50 (r. 90") + 3 x 400m in 72, 72, 70 (r. 40")
We, 1/14/2015
AM: 8 miles steady thru the Inner Harbor in 50:04
PM: Physical Therapy (R. Post-Tib, Gastroc)
Th, 1/15/2015
6 miles easy down the Greenway with 361ft of gain in 39:06
Fr, 1/16/2015
AM: 4 miles easy out to Ft. McHenry in 26:42
PM: Kutztown Invitational 3000m in 9:31.41
Sa, 1/17/2015
6 miles strongly down the Greenway with 382ft of elevation gain in 42:16
Su, 1/18/2015
Injured Right Gastroc/Peroneals
48 Miles with 1,135ft of Elevation Gain

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