Mo, 1/19/2015
AM: 8 miles steady down the Greenway with 450ft of elevation gain in 58:50
PM: 3 miles easy with the girls on bikes in 26:44
Tu, 1/20/2015
10 mi with 7 mi out to Patterson Park in 47:37 + 10 x 30" uphill, rec. 1' in 1:10:46
We, 1/21/2015
4k warm-up, 2 x 5 x 400m (r. 90") in 67, 67, 72, 72, 71 - rest 5' - 71, 73, 71, 72, 72
Th, 1/22/2015
5 miles on the treadmill in 40:00
Fr, 1/23/2015
8 miles in the snow down the Greenway with 605ft of gain in 58:21
Sa, 1/24/2015
AM: 4 miles on the treadmill in 30:00
PM: 5 miles down the slushy Greenway with 333ft of gain in 32:49
Su, 1/25/2015
Warm-up, "Chilly Cheeks" 7M with 1,227ft of gain in 52:15
56 Miles with 2,776ft of Elevation Gain
AM: 8 miles steady down the Greenway with 450ft of elevation gain in 58:50
PM: 3 miles easy with the girls on bikes in 26:44
Tu, 1/20/2015
10 mi with 7 mi out to Patterson Park in 47:37 + 10 x 30" uphill, rec. 1' in 1:10:46
We, 1/21/2015
4k warm-up, 2 x 5 x 400m (r. 90") in 67, 67, 72, 72, 71 - rest 5' - 71, 73, 71, 72, 72
Th, 1/22/2015
5 miles on the treadmill in 40:00
Fr, 1/23/2015
8 miles in the snow down the Greenway with 605ft of gain in 58:21
Sa, 1/24/2015
AM: 4 miles on the treadmill in 30:00
PM: 5 miles down the slushy Greenway with 333ft of gain in 32:49
Su, 1/25/2015
Warm-up, "Chilly Cheeks" 7M with 1,227ft of gain in 52:15
56 Miles with 2,776ft of Elevation Gain