Mo, 2/4/2013
5 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 34:26
6:55, 7:09, 7:08, 7:04... Garmin was wack the first mile, but I was definitely tired from yesterday's hills. It's amazing how weak I am, but I have to realize that I am running quite well. I am very balanced in my stride and even tired I am running under 7-min miles without much effort. Today was a jog, just getting the work in. Oh, and it was 28-degrees and cold.
Tu, 2/5/2013
6 miles steady with Ealy around Ft. McHenry in 43:32
7:00, 7:08, 7:07, 6:59, 6:50... ugh, miserable with my left piriformis causing trouble the whole run. Wonder what brought it on, if it was the run in the snow/hills on Sunday, but definitely had to stop quite a bit and stretch. At least I know how to deal with it, should be gone shortly.
We, 2/6/2013
4 miles easy with Ealy around Ft. McHenry in 28:31
7:27, 7:03, 7:01, 7:12 (avg. 7:11)... still dealing with my left piriformis, although much better than yesterday.
Th, 2/7/2013
3 miles falling apart around Worthington Elementary in 21:30
* That was miserable. My left piriformis and back were destroyed from the initial descent and ascent of the WE Mound. I had to stop my run early (planned on 50 min).. just sucked.
Fr, 2/8/2013
3 mile treadmill progression in 21:00
* 5 min at 8:34, 7:30, 6:40, 5:42 in the PREFORM... great confidence booster. Felt much smoother and no issues with the left side of my body. Calf held up in race-like conditions. The weather outside was crummy, 30-degrees and rain, so I opted for the treadmill and it was a good decision.
Sa, 2/9/2013
8.5 miles steady around Worthington Park in 1:01:23
* 7:13, 6:54, 6:55, 7:08, 6:57, 6:52, 6:34, 5:35... ran this with the Mexican Assassin, Perla. It was 19-degrees and windy (26mph winds), but I had to get this done. Perla, running in tights, crew socks, and a fleece hoody, trucked alongside and then ahead of me (she always runs by feel and dropped me quickly). I wasn't ready to get out of my comfort zone with an hour run. Every step past 45 min was a new world and sensation for my calf and it held up great. Really opened up the last mile and it felt good. Still some weakness behind my right knee/calf, so will strengthen that. Great day.
Su, 2/10/2013
5.5 mile tempo progression around Worthington Park in 36:12
* 6:45, 6:24, 6:12, 5:52, 5:40... pretty big breakthrough. I thought I would feel like garbage after yesterday's PB mileage day in over 3 months. So, in 30-degrees and sunny, I started out easily listening to my music, but within one loop, I started rolling and opening  up my stride, "leaning into it" as Nippert would say. I never fell apart nor had any issues. My body was strong and balanced. Very pleased. Great to get two miles under 6-min pace. Am getting closer to being able to push to the next phase, which would be 1) longer runs past 90 min, 2) hills, and 3) sub-5 min pace running.
35 Miles

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