Mo, 2/18/2013
5.13 miles at Patapsco with 1,019ft elevation gain in 43:43
* 8:43, 8:11, 8:26, 8:43, 8:36, 8:03... avg. 8:31/mi... sloppy conditions, but impressed I was able to put in some good time on the trails, coming to 2hrs in two days of trail running. Good stuff. Right hamstring was tender, probably due to all the slipping and sliding yesterday. Great that I was able to get motivated to hit 40+ minutes today on a beautiful day.
Tu, 2/19/2013
6 mile fartlek on CTC Treadmill in 45 min
* 2 mi at 7.0mph/0.5%... 4'-3'-2'-1'-30" at 5:42/mi pace, rec. 7:30/mi pace
We, 2/20/2013
5 miles steady on CTC Treadmill in 35 min
* 5' at 7.5mph/0.5%... 2.0 mi at 8.5mph/0.5% + 2 mi at 8.0mph/3% grade.. .finished off with 1 mi at 8.5mph/0.5%... I just get bored on the treadmill, so I have to mess around on it. Some good climbing at 3% just to get some muscular stimulus.
Th, 2/21/2013
20 min warm-up, 2km climbing at 6.0% grade at 9.0mph
Fr, 2/22/2013
9 miles on the Patapsco Trails in 1:10:00 with 1,079ft of elevation gain
* 8:17, 7:16, 8:36, 7:14, 7:54, 7:36, 7:01, 8:54, 8:21, (avg. 7:54/mi)... Am honestly getting tired of the cold and rain/wet conditions. However, very proud I drove myself out to Patapso before any serious rainfall and ran in decent conditions. Still super-muddy in some spots, but was able to roll in others. I definitely held up better the final mile and a half compared to last week. Almost ready to race.
Sa, 2/23/2013
7.2 miles down to the Trolley Line and back up (657ft elevation gain) in 47:22
* 6:53, 7:09, 6:27, 6:09, 6:29, 6:32, 6:36 (avg. 6:36/mi)... GAP 7:27, 7:15, 5:37, 5:59, 7:09, 5:40, 5:46, 5:11
Su, 2/24/2013
11.7 miles around a sloppy Patapsco in 1:49:10 with 1,954ft elevation gain
* GAP 7:47, 8:22, 6:40, 7:55, 8:31, 9:36, 9:18, 6:34, 8:33, 8:05, 6:25, 8:57 (avg. 9:19/mi)... great aerobic effort today. Just wanted to get lost and just get in the time on my feet. Was planning 13-14 miles, but didn't get picky when I realized I was running out of fuel and having a great run. No need to push it yet. Had a couple really nice climbing efforts. Can't wait until the trails dry out. Will race next weekend. 
48 Miles

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