Hold Onto Chance

Mon, 3/19/2012
8 miles steady around Patpsco in 53:49
* Gun Rd. in 6:35... 74-degrees... beautiful... in Charge 2, great run. Glad I made the drive and effort. Left shin is a bit tight, as is quad, but expected after yesterday's long run.
Tue, 3/20/2012
AM: 15-20 min warm-up, 400-400-800-400m in 73-72-2:25-70 with 200m jog rest
PM: 5 miles relaxed around Ft. McHenry
Wed, 3/21/2012
Final Design Review
Thu, 3/22/2012
AM: 4 miles easy thru Rockburn Dr in 27:37
PM: 12 miles steady thru Patapsco Valley State Park trails in 1:21:27
Fri, 3/23/2012
4 miles easy around Ft. McHenry + weights
Sat, 3/24/2012
4 miles recovery and hills in Patapsco in 30:00
Sun, 3/25/2012
17 miles hilly around Ellicott City in 1:57:39
60 Miles

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