Cut Me Off

Mon, 3/25/2012
5 min easy, 8 x 1:30 at 8.0% grade, 3:30 at 0% at 8.0mph
Tue, 3/26/2012
AM: 3 x (1200-800-400m) in 3:57-2:28-1:11, 3:48-2:26-1:11, 3:47-2:26-1:12 (rec. 2:00)
* 31-degrees... some pretty thick, un-cut grass, which made running difficult (consistent foot strike), but I managed to hit some pretty solid times. I laid in bed until almost 8AM before getting out there. I have no motivation for AM training lately, although I am fit. This workout proved I am fit, I just need to find the motivation. Will be getting a blood test shortly, as I feel like I have mono.
PM: 4 miles recovery in 30:27 + weights
Wed, 3/27/2012
4 miles recovery to the Inner Harbor
Thu, 3/28/2012
AM: 5 miles around Elkridge in 33:17
PM: 5 miles around Ft. McHenry in 33:34
Fri, 3/29/2012
5 miles easy around Patapsco in 37:32
Sat, 3/30/2012
Mile Run Trail Challenge Half Marathon in 1:40:53.61 CR
Sun, 3/31/2012
Drive to Miami
62 Miles

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