Swallowed By Pain

Mon, Jan 30
4 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 28:45 + strides/weights
Tue, Jan 31
3 miles easy, 2 x 2 miles in 10:26, 10:27 (rec. 3'), 3 miles easy
Wed, Feb 01
AM: 4 miles easy around Elkridge in 29:14
PM: 7 miles steady around Inner Harbor in 42:25 + weights
* This was absolutely insane. Had a relaxed, completely in control Kenyan-like recovery run in the morning and then at lunch went on my 7-mile loop. I am not sure I have seen a time under 47-minutes for this course. I started out tired, but feeling like I was 115lbs and fit as hell. My stride didn't have any power, so I just cycled thru the motions, having trouble with my laces. Anyway, I finished up the run and saw 42:25 on my watch and it was simply amazing. Need to research but I swear, 47:15 is the CR. Nuts. Good fitness.
Thu, Feb 02
9 miles on trails at Patapsco in 56:20 + strides
Fri, Feb 03
AM: 5 miles steady thru Rockburn in 32:42
PM: 5 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 33:06 + strides/weights
Sat, Feb 04
Calvert Cliffs State Park 4M in 21:25 CR (10:34/10:51)
* Drove the 90-min with my family for this run, as it had a nice late start time, 9:30AM, so all the girls could enjoy the morning and Dad racing. After stops at McDonald's and Starbucks, which was a mistake because I was STARVING, I got to the race on 15-min before the gun. Warmed up best I could and tried to check out the dirt service road we would be racing - website stated it as one of the hilliest roads in the Chesapeake, and after 400m, I knew this was going to be fun. A Ritz-type kid took off at the start and I hung back, flying down the downhills, and I caught him on an uphill by the half mile mark and kept pressing. My left leg was slightly weak, but I kept attacking the hills, making sure I was keeping something in reserve for the 2M hilly return home (we were well-warned about the difficulty of the course). As we ended the trail we had to run on the beach for 100m+ for the turnaround cone and the sand was so soft, it was basically a walk, hitting 10:33 for halfway. Ugh, could I negative split!? With the hills I had descended down to the Bay, it would be a stern task and immediately I had to summit a 200m hill that was tremendously steep. I ran well until about 3 min remaining, when my left leg had had enough, and I powered through the finish with a 10:51 second half. CR was 24:06 by race-aholic Karsten Brown (16:04/1:13 Half), so I know this result will turn some heads. I am fit, fast, and strong, now I just need to keep working on my weaknesses.
Sun, Feb 05
8 miles of sloppy trails at Patapsco Valley State Park in 58:33
60 Miles

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