5 Weeks To Go

Monday, 06-06-2011
7 miles steady thru Rockburn in 45:00
Tuesday, 06-07-2011
3 miles easy with John Ealy in San Luis Obispo, CA in 20:00
Wednesday, 06-08-2011
3 miles easy with John Ealy in La Jolla, CA in 25:00
Thursday, 06-09-2011
1 mile easy, 2 x Drills, 3 x 300m easy in :56, rec. 100m, 3 x 400m uphill
* Finally feeling healthy. Leg is getting stronger daily. It's been feeling close to 100%. Just need one more treatment on Friday before looking to go at least 90 minutes on Sunday. It's going to be exciting as Perla gets to test herself on a pretty tough 50 KM course in central PA. I just want to be 100% healthy and then will be 100% focused.
Friday, 06-10-2011
6 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 41:34
Saturday, 06-11-2011
8 miles easy on Laurel Highlands Trail in 58:44
* Gotta give it to my wife. I registered for the Laurel Highlands 50 KM today, but due to injury after Dirty German, I called the RD, Rick Freeman, to see if my wife could take my spot since I had already paid $72, and he agreed. What a great RD. So, we drove out last night to a hotel on some points, and sure enough, dropped off Perla at 7:15AM in Ohiopyle, PA for her grueling 50 KM. I figured she would win easy in about 5.5 hours, but warned her to take it as a training run since the World Champs were a month away. No racing. Well, after taking my girls to a local zoo, which was awesome, we headed to the finish line at 4hrs and awaited the finishers. 5hrs passed and no Perla. When 5h45' passed, I got dressed, put a movie on the DVD and was about to tell the RD that I was going to search for my wife. She should've been done by now and I feared injury or her getting lost. Plus, I thought the top female had already finished. However, there she showed up, all "deborotado"... winning the race in the 2nd fastest time ever on the course in 5h48'. So, I decided to run as she chilled out and wanted to scope the course. Man, was it rocky and slow! What a tough course. Previously, I had thoughts of running the 77M, but after running only 6 miles of the course, there is no way, it is just too rocky and technical. Absolutley amazing effort from my wife. I felt decent. A bit fat, really slow, really out of shape, but at least 90% healthy.
Sunday, 06-12-2011
5 miles aborted around Elkridge in 38:44
35 Miles

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