4 Weeks to Go

Monday, 06-13-2011
13 miles around Patapsco in 1:35:00
* What a beautiful day.. after working in DC, I had time to get in a run during the great, 75-degree, weather. I was feeling so good, in fact, that I opted to extend my run to a semi-long run and go as long as I could go without bonking. Well, I was sent a message, as I took a pretty good tumble down a new trail, scraping my hand, knee, and shoulder. That put a bummer mood into my run, but at least I emerged uninjured and my hip was feeling pretty solid. I am definitely out of shape and really need some good runs to regain my hard-earned fitness, pre-Dirty German.
Tuesday, 06-14-2011
6 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 42:13 + 6 x strides
Wednesday, 06-15-2011
17:23 warm-up, 8 x 800m hilly road in 2:24, 2:33, 2:24, 2:34, 2:24, 2:31, 2:20, 2:30
* Very surprised. I was really able to roll on this hilly stretch of road. The odds were downhill and the evens uphill. I could have stopped at six but was getting faster and aimed for one more set. Thought about running ten but decided to be conservative and save it for another day. Great workout and stimulus.
Thursday, 06-16-2011
8 miles steady around Patapsco State Park in 58:03
* My left calf spasmed about 4-min into the run after a bathroom break. Kept running but it was quite painful. Not sure why this happened. Either dehydrated or just fatigued from yesterday's workout. Ugh.
Friday, 06-17-2011
7.5 miles easy around the Inner Harbor with Sean Sharpe in 52:39
* Miserable. My left calf was so tight and it affected my whole leg. Had pain throughout the knee and shin, but kept at it with Sean even though I was working harder than I wanted to. Will see Dr. Bross tonight... so, treatment with Dr. Bross.. was the most painful thing in a long time. He is not worried, but my calf was in pain. It's a small spot and he was able to isolate it, but man, it killed. Loosened up some during the session. Good news, but frustrating.
Saturday, 06-18-2011
Sunday, 06-19-2011
14 miles on trails at Patapsco Valley State Park in 1:40:37
56 Miles

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