West Coast Sales Trip

Monday, 05-09-2011
20 min easy, 4 x (2 min fast, 1 min easy, 1 min fast, 1 min easy...)
* Woke up to a typical Seattle morning, grey and wet, but a crisp 50-degrees and it felt great in the NW air... had a really good effort in racing flats. Minimal fatigue, but it was a perfect workout volume based on yesterday's workload and the fact that I traveled all day..
Tuesday, 05-10-2011
7 miles easy on the Bay Area Trail in SFO in 50:05
Wednesday, 05-11-2011
13 miles up Jones Trail, up Limekiln Trail, and down Priest Rock Trail in 1:39:59
Nuts... I wanted to run this loop that I saw on a map, but once I got out there I started climbing, immediately, and once I hit Limekiln, I knew I had to change the plan. I summitted the mtn and had over 2,500ft of climbing. The descent was gnarly, as I was trying to stay controlled and not get injured. However, I was pleased at my climbing skills, never got in trouble and felt great the whole way. Had enough energy to finish strongly. One day would love to run the whole loop.
Thursday, 05-12-2011
20 min easy, 2 x (1200-800-400) w/ 90sec rest in 3:45-2:21-1:09, 3:43-2:24-1:10
* Absoultey surprised myself. Plan was three sets in 3:45-2:26-71, but I could tell my legs hadn't run fast in quite some time due to the complications following the race at WCU. However, I opened in 3:45 and was crushing the 800 and feeling pretty good. No real issues until my foot gave me a shout and I was having some falling apart thanks to the minimal 90sec rest, but I was pleased with the workout.
Friday, 05-13-2011
8 miles easy out to Patterson Park in 59:07
Saturday, 05-14-2011
12 miles steady down Bonnie Branch up Patapsco in 1:19:59
* Great, hard run, just what I needed to check my fitness and ensure that my training is progressing well. I was able to hammer for the full 80-minutes on a course that usually takes me closer to 85-minutes. I was flowing quite well, and in rainy conditions. My downhill running has improved, as I hit 5 miles in 31-min, much faster than the usual 33-min. Headed into the trails feeling good and then hammered home.
Sunday, 05-15-2011
26 miles around Patapsco State Park in 3:15:12
* Pretty tired, 1) from yesterday's hard effort, but moreso 2) my wife and daughter woke up at 1:30am puking their guts out with food poisoning (I cooked last night). It was a rough night, not much sleep, but I avoided most of the rain and downpour and ran well on some pretty wet and muddy trails. Didn't have the energy to go 4hrs, but was satisfied with 3h15'. Good strength, feel I can run hard for 3+ hours on difficult terrain. Actually, today at 2h30' I added a huge ascent on Rockburn, which then was a huge descent. It did take away a lot of strength and energy, so I need to play my cards right in Connemara.
80 miles

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