Continue the Momentum

Monday, 05-23-2011
Work, Rest, and Recovery
Tuesday, 05-24-2011
3 miles recovery around Ft. McHenry in 25:28
* That's not a typo. 25:58 for 5 KM. That's all I had. I was depleted and just done. I probably should have run this yesterday so that today could have been a little more quality. I am not concerned, however, as my legs feel healthy and I should be good to go within 48 hrs.
Wednesday, 05-25-2011
9.5 miles steady around Patterson Park in 58:26 + 6 x strides
* Whoa, I was rolling. Today was that type of run which had no fatigue, no issues, just a bit of deep tiredness, but I was rolling well under 4-min/km without much effort. My stride was long and fluid. I felt Kenyan-like. Crazy. I keep thinking that it was probably from the second loop at Drity German where I mounted an effort to catch Gramsky and I really worked strongly for a good hour or so on muddy trails. Good stuff. Feeling good enough to attempt track work tomorrow.
Thursday, 05-26-2011
20 min easy + 3 x (1200m + 300m) in 3:44-51, 3:40-52, 3:45-52, w/ 90sec/2 min rest
* 92 degrees at UMBC... blazing hot, first real, real hot day of Spring. Legs were quite dead on my warm-up, but at least I was fluid. Started out my first set (goal was 4 sets at 3:42-51, but with 90sec/3 min rests) and I came through the quarter in 78! and 800m in 2:32, so I had to work. Surprised with a 3:40 for my 2nd 1200, but I was battling to stay on pace and opted for the 3 miles total, Frank Shorter-style, for the workout. Now is not the time to push myself and see what I can do. I need to maintain health and keep working at a high level, day-in and day-out.
Friday, 05-27-2011
12 miles steady around Patapsco Park in 1:24:59
* I'm either going crazy or just getting damn ultra fit. We had half a day at work, so I figured I'd push off my run until after work and hit the trails. I had 45-60 min on the books and thought, "I've got a 35-min loop I could run twice, but then that would put me at 70-min, which might be too much since I ran my track workout yesterday" and perhaps I wasn't recovered. So, I rationalized and said, "well, I can just run to the trail (25 min), hit one loop (35 min) and that would put me at an hour." Perfect. And so, in 98-degree heat, I headed to the trail, feeling decent, hit the trail, running well within myself, working well, and then started heading back and quickly realized, "damn, I'm at an hour, I forgot to include the run home!!!!!" So, I basically hit up 90-minutes today in 98-degrees. I was pretty crisp when I finished but felt good. Oh well, big weekend ahead.
Saturday, 05-28-2011
20 miles steady in Patapsco Valley State Park in 2:20:43
* Great energy and motivation. Really worked the road sections, easily getting to sub-6:00/mile pace for stretches, but my right hip flexor flared up by the end of the run. Really frustrating, as last night I worked on it and did some drills. Hopefully it's just irritated and perhaps don't have to take tomorrow off. My goal for this extended weekend was 2h30'-2h-3hr in prep for TransRockies. Ugh.
Sunday, 05-29-2011
50 Miles

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