This Is the Story of My Life

Monday, 02-28-2011
5.5 miles around Ft. McHenry in 39:03
* Avg. 7:10 pace... surprised at how good my legs felt today. Perhaps it was the Mexican lunch and dinner of refried bean tacos. I probably could've hammered today but kept it gentle, as I am rushing my week for the Trail Marathon on Saturday. Thankfully I planned well today and avoided the rain, although it was quite windy out there.
Tuesday, 03-01-2011
8 miles up and down E. Clement in 57:50
* 20 min easy + 6 x 610m in 1:58, 2:00, 1:57, 1:57, 1:56, 1:53... alright so basically 5:05 pace down to 4:55 pace on this workout, which went really well, especially so soon after the long run. Right shin was bothersome on the walk around but compression sleeve solved it. Right teardrop was tight, but kept working it. Nice to blast the last one, really opened up and didn't feel different from the previous efforts.
Wednesday, 03-02-2011
7.5 miles out to Patterson Park in 50:00
* Didn't have my watch, but thankfully had run this 50-minute loop previously. Felt out of breath and a bit out of whack, but running a good pace. My left shin was achy this time around, but I ran well. It was 55 and sunny, which was nice.
Thursday, 03-03-2011
13 miles down Bonnie Branch, up Cascade Falls, around Marshalee in 1:27:38
* 30 min easy + 60 min steady in 7:25, 7:20, 7:14, 7:03, 7:00, 6:26, 6:44, 9:08, 7:18, 6:06, 6:19, 6:33, 5:56, 5:33... about 1,000ft of elevation gain on the run. Felt much better than yesterday and full of energy the final 30 min on the roads, running about 27:13 for the final 4.5 miles, which is quite strong. Great way to celebrate my 33rd birthday. Still a bit bummed that at a good clip I am only at 6:05/mile pace and it really takes some work to get below 5:45/mile pace. I don't think I've done enough fast stuff to get the proper body positioning on my runs at slower paces, especially my foot-strike.
Friday, 03-04-2011
6 miles around Ft. McHenry in 40:59
* 6:25, 6:49, 6:59, 6:42, 6:45, 6:40, 6:52... finally felt effortless and really comfortable, like I was taking it really easy out there. Only negative was that my left soleus is still very tight and leading to a very weak footstrike. Need to see Dr. Bross tonight. Haven't even thought about tomorrow.
Saturday, 03-05-2011
Seneca Creek Greenway Trail Marathon in 3:12:26, CR
* 3:09:00 real time running... 8:38, 6:49, 6:39, 7:20, 7:08, 6:59, 7:09, 6:54, 7:37, 7:18, 7:24, 7:38, 7:39, 7:42, 6:42, 7:21, 7:08, 8:48, 7:14, 8:19, 7:10, 7:26, 7:29, 8:05, 10:23, 5:44... man, crazy tough course, super windy single-track that was tremendously muddy in certain stretches. I though this would be a breeze, but within a couple of miles, there was a runner stalking me, running strongly. I could not really shake him, as he passed me up when I was refueling (from that point on I refueled on the run instead of stopping), but I immediately passed him back and pressed onward, since I knew I was running at least a couple seconds per mile faster than he was. By 15 miles I had finally gapped him enough that I think he opted for the 50K (lap around a lake), which allowed me to relax a bit more. However, with 9 miles to go (there were 1/2 mile marks the whole trail), I did some math and realized the CR was out of reach. However, at 8 miles to go I re-did my math and realized I had a shot, a 2-4 minute cushion, give or take. That re-energized me and although I was quite fatigued I got to work the last 4 miles. There was a stupidly steep hill at the 3-hour mark, but I kept pressing, hit the road and asked "how far?" and the lady said 0.9 of a mile! I looked at my watch and realized I would have to run a sub-6:00 mile to get the record (3:14:30) and blitzed a 5:44, feeling great, although fatigued. CR accomplished and I didn't finish too beat up, although I had a worrisome hip flexor again, and some foot issues from the mole-hole/mine section, which twisted my feet terribly. We'll see how I feel tomorrow, but right now it's off to RANGO with the kids.
Sunday, 03-06-2011
67 Miles

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