Driving the Nail

Monday, 02-21-2011
Tuesday, 02-22-2011
6 miles around Ft. McHenry in 43:56
* 7:24, 7:24, 7:32, 7:25, 7:14, 7:06 (avg. 7:21 pace)... actually surprised that I ran this well. My hamstrings were tight from the trails and effort on Sunday, but it was a very good call to rest yesterday, as those little aches and pains had enough time to go away and get me stronger for the next couple of days of workouts. We'll see if the schedule changes, but as of right now am going to go 2:40 on Sunday instead of the 10 Mile race.
Wednesday, 02-23-2011
6 miles around Ft. McHenry in 45:00
* Forgot the watch today, so just ran the course. I was definitely rolling well today because I was ready for the 8 x 1 min workout, but my Coach canned that in favor of more aerobic work as we are scrapping the racing season to focus on the Bull Run. I did have some depletion issues that came from a tight right hamstring. Did some thera-band post-run.
Thursday, 02-24-2011
6 miles up and down Andre St. in 42:30
* 20 min easy + 8 x 1 min (350m), rec. 1 min... mile paces were 4:52-5:03-4:40-4:51-4:51-4:50-4:32-4:45 equivalents... not too shabby on a road and mid-day. Need to look up what I hit the last time, but I think I rolled a bit more quickly today. Need to start raising my lactic threshold and this is how to do it, but need more volume and need to get on a track and in spikes.
Friday, 02-25-2011
7 miles on CTC Treadmill in 50:00
* 7.5-8.5 mph at .5% grade... I can't stand the treadmill. I can basically run 25 min and then mental boredom sets in and I start wanting to stretch and just get it over with. Anyway, toughed through it and put in the time. Oh, had to run on the treadmill because there were 60mph gusts in B'more today. In Miami, we call that a Hurricane.
Saturday, 02-26-2011
12 miles up and down River Rd in 1:10:00
* 15 min warm-up, 10 min (rec. 3 min), 20 min (rec. 3 min), 10 min (rec. 3 min), 10 min cool-down... I am furious. Everytime I run a hard effort, my Garmin freezes upon returning home to upload the data. Thankfully, I looked down at my watch during the first 10 min effort and saw 5:33 pace on the hilly stretch of road. The 20 min was a bit of a disaster, having to stop and stretch several times (weak left glute), however, I absolutely hammered as best I could the final 10 min and almost made it the full distance without crashing. My best estimate is 5:35 pace for the 10 min pick-ups and 5:50 pace for the 20 min effort. I just don't have any power and am not "on-top" of my stride because I'm just not strong enough.
Sunday, 02-27-2011
24 miles around Patapsco State Park in 2:41:55
* 7:35, 7:03, 7:18, 16.5 miles in 1:55:23 (7:02 pace), 6:26 mile on road, 6:46 off trail heading home... Garmin was again a disaster. Truly disappointing. However, tons of elevation gained on this run, as in an attempt to extend the run I hit up the rarely used White-Trail and it was a pure climb from River Rd to the Orange Trail. Whoa. Completely depleted after this run. I don't know how I am going to be able to run 50 miles. I think my legs are too long and absorb too much downhill and require a lot of effort uphill. It's not a fueling issue, but a major fatigue issue. I mean, I didn't crash, I am sure I could've run/walked another hour or so, but what's the point? I will see how next weekend's 3H run goes. At least I know I can run hard for 4 hours (East Texas), but over 6 hours? That's another story.
61 Miles

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