
Saturday, 11-06-2010
4 miles thru Rockburn Dr. in 29:12
7:29, 7:09, 6:55, 6:14 (avg. 6:57 pace); 151/169 HR
Sunday, 11-07-2010
4 miles thru Rockburn Dr. in 27:39
7:11, 6:33, 6:06, 5:33 (avg. 6:19 pace)

Alright, so here's the scoop. I went out for my 2H30' test and failed. I have been feeling great, the calf recovering, my fitness returning and actually was amped about running JFK again as I felt I could turn around my fitness in time after speaking with my Coach. However, the trails exposed my weakness: my right hip flexor. Yes, that same hip flexor that fired up less than 10 miles into Blues Cruise. The same hip flexor I have ignored since the days following the race since I was so focused on the anterior shin split. So, that same hip flexor after a good 45 min - 1 hr on the trails started to fatigue and soon became so painful I was reduced to a walk (a long 45 min walk back to my car).

I am seeing my doc, Dr. Josh, on both Tuesday and Wednesday to jump-start the healing process, as I am looking to get back into training on Nov. 8th. A week of rest, stretching, core, treatment, icing should get this thing back in line.

So, cross your fingers. I almost bought tickets today to Mt. Mist, but need to be more prudent with our money. We shall see...

* UPDATE: I have gotten impatient, but it's because I have seen such drastic improvement since working with Dr. Josh and starting up my plank exercises. The pain still exists, but it is not limiting on my 30-min runs. I am trusting in that if I continue to get treatment, ice, and build-up slowly, avoiding intensity or hills, that it should work itself out. I was supposed to start training on Monday, but figured it was not going to improve or get worse with a couple of 30-min runs and glad I started up. Now, I just need to get rid of this thing.

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