I Want A Perfect Body

Monday, 11-29-2010
42:02 (6.20 mi) around Ft. McHenry
7:04, 6:55, 6:59, 6:39, 6:38, 6:21
* Absolutely horrendous. I had no coordination. I have decided to do my core and sit-up session in the early AM before work and I think this left my muscles confused, because I expected a pretty strong run and I couldn't coordinate my muscles. Weird.
Tuesday, 11-30-2010
43:27 (6.61 mi) around Ft. McHenry
7:17, 6:36, 6:37, 6:47, 6:16, 6:20, 5:59
* Still a frustrating run... now I'm starting to think that maybe my 90-min effort on Sunday took a toll on my mitochondria. The great news is that a weight scale showed up in the locker room and I was a surprisingly light 133lbs. I swear, I would not have been surprised to have seen a record 138lbs or so... maybe I'm just soft, not heavy. Hmm.
Wednesday, 12-01-2010
44:21 (6.61 mi) around Ft. McHenry
6:51, 6:37...
* Rough weather... cold-front moved in with some rain and mega-wind. Concerned about my right glute/piriformis as it is tender as hell... must be remnants from that hill cycle I did last week. Not sure. Otherwise, I think I am a step quicker today over yesterday. I'll take it, but I still am rough out there.
Thursday, 12-02-2010
46:32 (7.06 mi) around Ft. McHenry
6:50, 6:54, 6:38, 6:25, 6:28, 6:43, 6:14
* Ugh... so I have a bad case of something with my piriformis and glute, not sure how it came on, but it came on suddenly. Anyway, it did not limit me on the run so I kept at it but I think my body knows it's injured. I was darn surprised at how fast my time was becase I did two full loops at Ft. McHenry (10K) + a mile loop around the office. Will rectify this tomorrow.
Friday, 12-03-2010
50:50 (8.02 mi) out to Patterson Park
7:40, 6:15, 6:02, 6:28, 6:16, 6:24, 5:53, 5:39
* Absolutely crazy. I woke up and my pain level from my right hip/glute went from a 9.5 to a 1.5 over-night. Not sure why, but on my run today I was literally jogging (130HR) 6:00 pace, but felt like I couldn't run 5:20 pace without sprinting. I just don't have any power or muscles yet. Tomorrow will be a step in the right direction.
* 4:30PM Appointment with Dr. Josh Bross to check out my right glute/hip and man, what great work. I had an adhesion in the deep layers of the gluteus medius/minimus. Dr. Josh's ART treatment would make my entire leg become weak, but after the treatment I could walk with minimal pain and my range of motion increased tremendously. Am more confident now to attack tomorrow morning's workout. Great decision.
Saturday, 12-04-2010
58:40 (7.15 mi) with 20-min easy, 10 x 1:00 uphill, 10 min easy
* Just what I needed. I have been needing some power and I started off by attacked the 18% grade on Ilchester in 20-degree weather, but soon realized I could end up injured "sprinting" up 18%, so I set out to find the College Ave. hill and fartleked over there, before attempting 1-min up College Ave, but the final 200m were too, too steep, almost standstill, and so I jogged across the street to Bonnie Branch and after the first summit, found a perfect grade hill that climbed steadily for the full minute, but allowed me to work, be aggressive, and open my stride naturally. Probably did 11 repeats total, but who's counting. Great work, muscles held up well.
Sunday, 12-05-2010
1:59:37 (17.01 mi) with 1:20 on the trails, 20 min upbeat on the roads (5:43 pace), 20 min trails
* A good one... 30-degrees and quite windy, I decided to explore some trails north of the the railroad. The first trail was a bust, but the second trail (RED) was pretty sweet, even though it's an out-and-back. At the end I decided to check where I was in relation to MD, and was glad I did because I saw the trail continue across the street and took that all the way to Catonsville CC (gotta check if they have a track), turned around, timed myself to be on the park road a 1H20' and started my uptempo on the road, which felt pretty strong with only a couple hiccups. Was hitting mid-5:40's and then finished up nicely up Cascade to finish. Have an achy right achilles, but all systems are a go.
6:45:29 (59 Miles)

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