
Monday, 06-07-2010
10K easy around Ft. McHenry in 38:55 + Gym
Tuesday, 06-08-2010
8.8 miles around Rockburn Branch in 57:47, last .9 in 5:15 (5:50 pace)
Wednesday, 06-09-2010
10K easy around Ft. McHenry in 39:07 + Gym
Thursday, 06-10-2010
3km easy + 12km fast in 46:06 (6:08 pace) for 15km in 58:56
Friday, 06-11-2010
6.5 miles steady on the M&M Loop in 40:12, last .9 in 5:10 (5:44 pace)
Saturday, 06-12-2010
Warm-up + 6 x 1km in 3:30, rec. 200m
3:18 (:51), 3:22 (:52), 3:19 (:56), 3:22 (1:10), 3:23 (1:09), 3:26 = avg. 3:21 (80.4")
Sunday, 06-13-2010
Washington D.C. Trip
43 Miles

* Well, I survived a major scare last week with Madelyn's headboard crashing down on the top of my foot during our move. It is still causing pain and minor issues, but I was able to knock out 95-min of hard running quite comfortably. I think I just need to continue icing as much as possible to get it 100%. Race is 50-50 at the moment. I am in heaven in Elkridge. Ran some knarly roads out to Patapsco and then Patapsco is just great. Could run out there for hours. Need to figure out hydration if I am going to knock out  some 3-hour runs, etc.

* Foot is coming around, but seasonal allergies have hit me hard with this recent "cold" front that has brought simply gorgeous weather, but tons of pollen. I am dying.. hopefully this doesn't last too long. I have cancelled the 7-mile race as I am enjoying training hard at the moment. I want more workouts and longer long runs. Should be fun, plus, my Mom comes into town on Saturday. 

* I am starting to guess my allergies have turned into the flu, as I have been suffering from flu-like symptoms and have nothing. I have continued to run, as it is opening my congestion, but man, this is miserable. May take medicine tonight, just don't want this to turn into pneumonia like in 2008/2009. Don't know what else to do. UPDATE: Went to a Pharmacist last night and she recommended Mucinex D, so I am on that for at least the weekend. If things don't improve will go to a doctor, however, had a phenomenally strong run this morning on my new favorite neighborhoop loop, it's a hell of a run and 6.5 miles of climbing and descending on the streets of Elkridge. Here is the course map... make sure you click to see the Elevation Profile...

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