Young Runner, All Relative

Monday, 05-10-2010
10K easy around Ft. McHenry in 38:19 CR
Tuesday, 05-11-2010
9M total - 4M in 27:09, 1M in 6:30, last 4M in 22:35 (5:38 pace); 56:16 total
Wednesday, 05-12-2010
6 Miles easy around Patterson Park in 38:22
Thursday, 05-13-2010
15K total - 5K in 21:29, last 10K in 35:29 (5:43 pace); 56:58 CR total
Friday, 05-14-2010
10K easy around Ft. McHenry in 37:22 CR
Saturday, 05-15-2010
15 min easy + 3 x 3000m, rec. 3:00 + 3 x 1000m, rec. 1:30 in
10:14, 10:19, 10:41 + 3:07, 3:04, 3:08
Sunday, 05-16-2010
14.5 Miles to Mockton on the NCR Trail in 1:36:31
7:21, 6:59, 14:05, 7:03, 7:02, 7;02, 6:59, 2:59,
6:29, 6:30, 6:20, 6:21, 6:16, 6:10, 5:50
60 Miles

* Gotta say I was impressed with this morning's run. I decided to mix up the training a little bit in terms of throwing in more intensity during the week. Monday I rolled quite well and comfortably, and Tuesday, I had to wake up at 5:30AM to get my run in, which is great because it gets so light so early in B'more. Plan was run to Ft. McHenry, run a loop, and then hammer the final 4 miles home. I know I was moving well, on the hills and flats and finished up in 22:35, which was a nice effort (5:38 pace).

* Long day at work today and wasn't able to get out during lunch, so I ran late afternoon with lunch still in my stomach. I was not feeling awake nor sharp, but once I got going, I felt strong and fast. I attacked the hills and only had trouble the final mile, as I started depleting a bit, but finished up best I could. Surprised again at pace and effort. Really good signs.

* Hell of a workout on Saturday. Debated all morning whether to run it at Johns Hopkins or at the track I will be running at in the future, and decided to make the drive out to Long Reach HS. Great decision. Although the track was bustling with active community members, I laced up my flats to begin my 3 x 3km, which was the most daunting part of my workout. The goal was 10:25 per 3km effort, or 83's per lap. I started off with an 82 and just kept it rolling, running by feel. 10:14. Great. After 3-min I started up the second one and the first lap was a brisk 79, hmm, control, since my 1kms were supposed to be run at 80-sec pace. I really started crashing the last 800m and hit 10:19. Still great. I had close to 20-sec in the bank to hit my average goal pace of 10:25. The question was: do I cancel the last 3km and start the 1km since I was depleting, or slow it down a notch and finish the 3km. By the time 3-min was up, I had decided to go for it. I started off at what felt like a jog, 5:46 thru the mile and finished quite well in 10:41, giving me an average of 10:24 for the 3 x 3km! Nailed it. I switched into my spikes for a different feel of fast for my 1km and ripped off 3:07, 3:04, 3:08 quite comfortably with no mechanical issues or muscular problems. As I am getting older, I feel I have less muscle in the legs, but also less fatigue. Hmm... Great day, 12km of track work.

* Was dreading the long run due to not knowing where to run because I wanted a soft surface, a nice trail. Spent all morning researching and battling the will not to run today, as I was fatigued from yesterday, but after all thought, I made it out to the NCR Trail. Originially planned on 30K, but thought I would run into trouble, both physically and mentally, so I saw a 25K turnaround that would work and hammered home quite well with that 5:50 final mile. Great run, great long run location. Will be back.

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