Knee Jerk - Routine Established

Monday, 05-03-2010
37:18 around Patterson Park ~ 6M
Tuesday, 05-04-2010
1:02:01 out to Patterson Park ~ 15K
Wednesday, 05-05-2010
39:45 around Ft. McHenry ~ 10K
Thursday, 05-06-2010
1:01:02 CR out to Patterson Park ~ 15K
Friday, 05-07-2010
40:00 around Patterson Park ~ 6M
Saturday, 05-08-2010
35:00 easy with Perla + 10 x 100m strides ~ 5M
Sunday, 05-09-2010
42:00 easy with Perla to Morgan's Point ~ 6M
48 Miles

* Alright, so tough to explain, but the focus will be family/career, so I will only be running during my lunchtime at UA, which allows me between 10-15K/day. No doubles, no early morning or late night runs any longer as I re-commit to my family of girls. The great thing is that I already have noticed an increase in intensity. This also means not much racing, perhaps just a couple attempts. The pattern will be Mon-Wed-Fri is 10K + Gym (trying to pack on some lbs/muscle in upper body) and Tue/Thu will be 15K. Saturday will be track and Sunday will be 30K long run. This will hopefully become routine and religious and benefit the family immensely, while staying fit. The goal is no longer to train to run faster, but to maintain until I am a Master (M40). Issue in the USA is that you are in no-man's land from 30-39 years old, if you want to better your PR's, in my case I am not a natural, thus I have to put in a lot of work, it requires quite a self-absorbed commitment I am no longer interested in pursuing. However, at 40, it appears that racing becomes fun again in the States. So, this blog may become boring, but I am hoping to surprise myself.

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