Show Me What You Got

Monday, 09-29-2009
Life Interfered - 0M
Tuesday, 09-30-2009
24 Min. Warm-Up, 3 x 1600M in 4:44 with 10 Min. Recovery
4:46, 4:42, 4:45
Wednesday, 09-30-2009
AM: 12 Min. Warm-Up; 34 Min. Warm-Down (200M Jog Rest)
400M in 66, 4 x 200M in 32.6-32.1-31.8-32.4, 400M in 65
PM: 7 Miles in 50 Min. out to Morgan's Point with Madelyn
Thursday, 10-01-2009
AM: 10 Miles in 69 Min. (last 1.2M in 8:00) on Seabrook Trails
PM: Travel to Dallas
Friday, 10-02-2009
7 Miles in 42 Min. around White Rock Lake
Saturday, 10-03-2009
12 Min. Warm-Up, OSU Cowboy Jamboree 8K in 25:52
5:09, 6:18, 9:32 (3:13), 10:10, 12:43 (3:11), 19:19 (6:36), 22:31 (3:11), 3:20

Sunday, 10-04-2009
4 Miles in 24 Min.
50 Miles

* Pleasantly surprised with this morning's workout, which was supposed to be run on Monday, but my sister-in-law had a beautiful baby boy, Juan Daniel, and I had to babysit all day and work... then when Perla came home I drove to three different tracks and surfaces and all were taken by football practice. Anyway, was not going to run the workout, as my legs were weak and I warmed up with my 12 Min. loop, feeling weak and not ready. Decided to call Rudy and Chris for PM track workout, no one answered, so I headed out for a second 12 Min. Warm-Up, feeling stronger. Got back to the truck, spoke with Rudy, realized I would probably be on my own tonight and did not want life to interfere again, so I laced up and attacked the workout.

Came through 400M in 70, okay. Hit 800M in 2:22, a bit disappointing and then focused on running and not looking at the watch. 4:46 was acceptable, as my Coach had said "3 x Mile in 4:45 is a great primer" so I rationalized that anything in the 4:40-range would suffice. Second rep I almost did not start, but did so, and really got rolling, never looking at my watch, as I felt I was running 5-min pace, but I figured I had to find out what shape I am in, regardless of my time. 3 x 1600M in 5:00 would be better than nothing at all. But I completely suprised myself with a tremendously great and strong-feeling 4:42! Now I was pumped. Really realized why I run and my talent. Number three would be interesting, but now I was engaged. The PE Coaches were asking me what I ran the Mile in, they guessed 4:27... not this time, guys. The final one I felt fatigued, running comfortably (the more I run, the faster I run, the smoother I get) and then really started attacking after 800M and was quite surprised with a strong last lap to finish in 4:45. Great workout. 4:44 average for 3 x 1600M.. I will take it.

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