Pre-Race Week

Monday, 09-21-2009
7 Miles in 48 Min. up and over Kemah Bridge
Tuesday, 09-22-2009
AM: 6 x 1600M in 4:40-4:50 with 6-8 Min. Recovery (3M)
1600M in 4:59 ~ workout aborted due to lightning/rain storms
PM: 7 Miles in 44 Min. (23/21 Min.) out to Morgan's Point
Wednesday, 09-23-2009
AM: 11 Miles in 73 Min. (last 1.2M in 7:25) around the Seabrook Trails
PM: 7 Miles in 49 Min. up and over the Kemah Bridge
Thursday, 09-24-2009
AM: 12 x 300M in 48 Sec. with 2 Min. Recovery
50, 48, 48, 48, 48, 49, 48, 49, 48, 49, 49, 50
PM: 7 Miles in 47 Min. (24/23 Min.) out to Morgan's Point
Friday, 09-25-2009
11 Miles in 76 Min. (last 1.2M in 8:03) on Seabrook Trails
Saturday, 09-26-2009
12 Min. Warm-Up; 20 Min. Warm-Down
RunTex Cross Country 5K in 16:55
5:15, 10:52 (5:36), 16:16 (5:24), :37
Sunday, 09-27-2009
14 Miles in 93 Min. (last 5M in 32Min.) with Chad in Seabrook/Kemah
82 Miles

* Definitely started crashing this morning (Friday) from a solid week of running. Have opted to jump in the RunTex XC Invite as opposed to the HARRA XC Relay for safety and confidence. Looking at an 85% effort to get myself prepared for next weekend. Otherwise, really low on weight, 128lbs, and feeling very fit, but tired, thanks to Sophia not sleeping thru the nights anymore. Also, work has been a tremendous stress as I deal with my agency and prepare for this Mexico Launch.

* Not sure what that was. Race was at 7AM and there was no sunlight.. and this was Cross Country! No way. Sure enough, the start was delayed because the timing company was an absolute mess. Anyway, I felt good during my warm-up and was expecting a fast time, but the course was a complete mudfest. No that slippery type of mud, but that cake-like, sinking in the ground mud. I thought I was working well but only hit the mile in 5:15 and I knew it would be a long day. Tough course, anyhow, but did not expect 16:54... more like 15:54, but was hoping no high school kids ran faster than my 85% effort, but I think a couple did. Not sure what this did for confidence. Need to listen to my Coach more...

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