Life Changing for the 4th Time

1:10:16 very easy around the Seabrook Trails ~ 10M
Tuesday, 10-14-2008
AM: 54:14 Kemah Bridge, 8 x 100m uphill ~ 9M
PM: 34:39 around Sylvan Beach ~ 5M
Wednesday, 10-15-2008
20 min warm-up at UHCL .9km Loop ~ 10M
6 x 1200m in 3:56, rec. 2:55
3:51 (2:46), 3:53 (2:34), 4:00 (2:53w), 3:56 (3:17), 4:03 (2:54w), 3:53
Thursday, 10-16-2008
1:26:10 around the Seabrook Trails ~ 14M
Friday, 10-17-2008
47:23 steady to Morgan's Point (24:21 / 23:02) ~ 7M
Saturday, 10-18-2008
AM: 57:02 easy around Seabrook Trails, 8 x 100m uphill ~ 10M
PM: 34:47 easy around League City with Derek ~ 5M
Sunday, 10-19-2008
2 hr 10 min, last 30 min fast at Memorial Park ~ 20M
90 Miles
* A great double today on Tuesday... I haven't written about the USA 10-Miler, because I ran what I thought I would run, 56-minutes, but today's run was the number one reason why I ran the 10-miler... because it elevated my fitness. I was able to roll on my 5M loop like on no previous run. For example, my best time on this 5M course had been 36:30 before the 10M, and now I just ran 34:30 on a pretty hot afternoon.
* Anyway, my racing plans are on hold at the moment, as I sort've decided I am not going to race unless I get a comp entry, so we shall see. Tulsa Run is off the calendar, as I no longer have to travel to Oklahoma. Stay tuned...
* Workout did not go too well this morning, as I was just not recovered from the 10-Miler on Sunday. I did, however, find a nice 900m loop on the campus of UHCL that has very minimal traffic and allows me to roll... so it was great for today's 1200m/600m rec. workout. I could tell that if I was recovered, I would have rolled this workout, as I am getting fitter. Just need some more rest.
* Wow, what a great run. I was not able to get my run in this morning (the plan was to double today, 50/35 min) due to some rainstorms, so I put off the run for the afternoon. By the afternoon I was ready to roll and surprisingly started off light and recovered and just kept working the entire run, up the Kemah Bridge, and back down to add-on at faster than marathon pace... great run, nice and fluid, except for a tight right glute. And now, some rest because at 5:30 in the morning tomorrow, we will welcome Baby Rodriguez # 3 to the family!
* Tough long run this morning. I started off well, definitely tired, but light and efficient. However, by 5-6M my right quad tightened. Stopped and stretched and then kept it going with Chad and Riley. Riley took off for his 6M tempo and Chad was running strong. I held back, stretched again, then worked on reeling in Chad and then ran it in with him before attacking my last 30 min, which was great and bad at the same time. I am currently unable to keep the 30 min fast the whole way without having to work out the kinks, but I do roll. Next time I will run on the road. My splits just aren't adding up on the dirt. 90 Miles on the week of my third daughter's birth. Who would have thought?