Getting Back on the Train

Monday, 4-28-2008
57'52" moderate through The Reserve ~ 9M
Tuesday, 4-29-2008
AM: 20' warm-up, ~ 8M
3 x 2000m alt. 71"/83", recovery 5 min
71"/82"/71"/85"/71" (6'23")
71"/86"/71"/84"/69" (6'24")
70"/83"/71"/86"/71" (6'23")
PM: 44'28" easy around Kennesaw Mtn ~ 7M
Wednesday, 4-30-2008
AM: 52'03" easy through The Reserve ~ 8M
PM: 52'33" easy reverse through The Reserve ~ 8M
Thursday, 5-01-2008
AM: 39'58" + 10 x 100m sprint uphill ~ 6M
PM: 1 hr 08'42" with short variations (10 x 1' fast, 2' easy) ~ 10M
Friday, 5-02-2008
39'25" easy through The Reserve Short ~ 6M
Saturday, 5-03-2008
AM: Big Peach 5K in 15:23 ~ 6M
4:50, 9:51 (5:00), 14:55 (5:03), :28
PM: 30 min easy + 3 x 2000m in 6:26, 6:34, 6:33
recovery 4 min jogging ~ 9M
Sunday, 5-04-2008
47'52" with the ATC down Kennesaw Mtn. ~ 7M
84 Miles

* Cancelled this afternoon's run just due to fatigue and pain in my left calf. That and guilt. Need to be ready for tomorrow morning's workout... which went quite well. It was pretty windy, but the weather was gorgeous in the mid-40's. Hitting 71's was not an issue, as neither was hitting 83's, but with the wind, I would over-compensate on the backstretch and not compensate on the homestretch, so I was a little slow on the recoveries. Still, not bad for the first time attempting this workout, which was a breeze. Only issue was in slowing down, my form would break down and cause tightness in my left hammy. Seems like I am much more mechanically efficient running a nice max effort than an easy steady effort. That will improve.

* Alright, well, I have had a pretty great week of training, and it shows, as I am completely lean and fit. However, I am a bit beat up from the workload, especially my left calf, as I decided to walk backwards down the hill and strain it a bit... however, I've done this before and can handle it. I may have to race on Saturday with a shin splint sleeve for the pain, but I think I'll be fine.

* So a great race on Saturday. Got there a little late, but was able to warm-up decently. I opted to run without the shin splint sleeve (didn't want to give the competition any confidence), and that ended up being a great decision. I went off well, but the leaders were off quite quickly, building a 20m lead immediately that gapped to 40m by 800m. I tried to relax and kept them in contact. Approaching the first major climb, I noted that I was gaining ground, and I also noted that this kid, Andrew Fuller, who had lapped me in a 5000m at Emory over a month ago was leading, with the Ethiopian Ayalew (Marine Corps Marathon Champion) drafting effortlessly. I caught Malcolm Campbell by the Mile (4:40-high) and started working on closing the gap to the lead duo of Fuller and Ayalew. On the crest of the final major hill, I gained on both, especially Fuller, but Ayalew was running well-within himself and kept looking back to see how quickly I was gaining. As soon as I made contact, he was off! For the next 400m, I ran right behind Fuller, gauging myself and my energies, until I realized that I did not want to get in a kick with the sub-3:50, 1500m runner, Fuller. So, I decided to do something interesting: I decided to absolutely kick from 800m out to pass him strongly and break him immediately and then hopefully be able to hold on. It worked, and I started gaining ground on Ayalew, but to no avail and finished up 9-seconds adrift. Completely within myself and with great form. A great run....

* Ah, but the day was not over yet. That afternoon, I headed out to the track to run 3 x 2000m at 77-pace for strength. The first repeat was amazing. I was literally jogging at 77" pace, and finished up feeling like I could have kept that effort for the full 6K workout. I jogged 4-min rest and then launched into my 2nd 2K, and it was brutal! My form was all off, my right hip tight, and it was a losing battle to finish. The final 2K started off much better, but soon enough the fatigue and effort was too much and once again, I battled to finish. Oh well, I am sure it was all for the best. A great day of work. I'll take it... now, do I run 1 hr 30 min in the morning with the group or just 45 min easy for the day? Hmm..

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