Change the Shaheen

Monday, 4-07-2008
AM: 6 Miles Easy through The Reserve in 38:03
PM: 4 Miles Easy with Dave in Birmingham in 27:12
Tuesday, 4-08-2008
Work / Travel
Wednesday, 4-09-2008
43'57" East on the Seabrook Trails ~ 6M
Thursday, 4-10-2008
AM: 1 hr 09'54" Fartlek (10 x 2' Fast, 1' Moderate) ~ 11M
PM: 49'29" Easy with Derek on the Seabrook Trails ~ 7M
Friday, 4-11-2008
AM: 46'09" around the Seabrook Trails ~ 7M
PM: 57'19" around the Seabrook Trails ~ 9M
Saturday, 4-12-2008
AM: 20 min Warm-Up, 3 x 600/500/400/300 (rec. 2'/5')
1'47"/1'26"/68"/51", 1:45/1'26"/67"/48", 1'43"/1'23"/65"/47"
PM: 40'14" Easy around Baytown with Rudy ~ 5.5M
Sunday, 4-13-2008
Drive to Kennesaw
63 Miles

* And so, I received the absolute best compliment the other night at the local La Porte Subway: the checkout girl asked me, "are you alright because your veins are popping out?" Since returning to Clear Lake, the weather has been warm, I've sweated off a lot of weight, and am looking quite fit, so it was a great compliment. I just replied, "yeah, I just finished a run... I just run a lot." She was speechless.

* Had a brilliant track session this morning with Rudy. Thankfully we were able to hook up, jumped the fence at La Porte High and proceeded to battle some fierce 20 mph winds on the backstretch. I started out with a tight right hamstring, but as the workout went on, I just committed myself to running faster. I should have controlled myself more, but I was rolling and went with it. I compromised with Rudy on three sets instead of the pre-planned four sets, and I was all for it since it went so well and I will repeat this workout in more tame conditions next week. Really rolling, really feeling good.

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