Planning in Miami

21-Day Training Pattern

Monday, 11-19-2007
AM: 7 Miles Steady on Canals in 39:51
PM: 6 Miles on Kendall Canals in 38:58
Tuesday, 11-20-2007
3 Mile Warm-Up in 23:00
3 x @ (1200-800-400) with 2' Rest at Arvida
4:11-2:46-1:13, 3:38-2:19-1:08, 3:29-2:19-1:07
3.5 Mile Cool-Down in 26:43
12 Miles Total in 1:27:05
Wednesday, 11-21-2007
AM: 7 Miles Out & Back on the Canals in 44:27
PM: 5 Miles around the Dairy Queen Loop in 34:09
Thursday, 11-22-2007
3 Mile Warm-Up,
Blue Cross & Blue Shield Turkey Trot 5K, 15:21
4:50, 10:31
2 Mile Cool-Down
Friday, 11-23-2007
AM: 4 Miles Easy Out & Back on Canals in 29:02
PM: 4 Miles Easy Out & Back on Canals in 29:43
Saturday, 11-24-2007
Drive to Kennesaw
Sunday, 11-25-2007
14 Miles Easy around Breakfast Loop in 1:30:35
68 Miles

* Pulled into Miami on Sunday afternoon, forsaking the long run. However, I had three quality workouts last week starting with a solid 10M Alt. Mile run, then a rigorous 9 x 300M hill at Balboa Park, capped off with the adjusted 6 x Mile at SDHS on Saturday.

Now in Miami, I had a solid 7M steady run this morning to start the week, working hard all the way on the nicely cut canal system. Will hopefully put in all the mileage for the week and perhaps then some. We shall see..

Well, I have realized that I am currently unable to run twice on days of hard morning workouts. I am just wasted in the PM and end up rationalizing that rest would be a better option than an 8-minute/mile recovery jog of death. So, in light of this dilemma, I am going to restructure my training in the future to include more voluminous mornings and only double on mileage days. Yesterday's workout was pure hard work. Distance was irrelevant. I worked very hard on very think grass with poor footing, powering home the workout once I figured out a safe loop. Great work. Truly need to recover today if I have any chance of racing well tomorrow.

* The race was rough. I really pushed myself on my Tuesday workout and entered the race quite drained and depleted with little rest (my littlest one was in the hospital all night with a respiratory infection). The race was stacked. From 1:44 Half-Miler, Kevin Hicks, to Princeton Steeple Qualifier, Brian Sharkey, plus Olympic Triathlete in training, Manny Huerta, and every other Miami over-achiever. Probably close to a dozen guys that ran Division I competitively.

Anyhow, the race went out fast (obviously), with Hicks letting his speed shine. We passed 400m and I was in about 10-12th. Finally getting past Josh Brashears (Penn State) at 1200M, I surged ridiculously past the Mile in 4:53 (found out later that was wrong) and surged again after hearing my split. So, I surged off a 4:50 mile, trying to kill off the pack of 6-10 deep and ended up killing myself. I was in trouble by 1.5 Miles, but this is Miami, my home-town, and I could not lose. Too many people watching (plus, it finished with 350M on the track), so I had to stay away. At 2M at a hairpin turnaround, I expected to have a substantial lead, but there were 5-7 guys in my pocket!! I pressed on, pushing as hard as I could keep my body coordinated. My legs were already failing me, but I ran on. By 2.5M I was hurting and by 3M everyone was closing on me. I finally gained the strength to kick it in and secure the victory, 15:21 to 15:28 over Manny Huerta, Kevin Hicks (15:38), and Brian Sharkey (15:39). Brashears closed in 15:42. Good race and a great win in my hometown.

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