Final 14-Days


Monday, 11-26-2007
AM: 3.5 Miles Steady in 20:33 +
1.5M Summit of Kennesaw Mountain in 11:16 +
2M Cool-Down in 14:12
7 Miles Total in 46:01
PM: 6 Miles around Kolb Farm with Dave Howe in 42:00
Tuesday, 11-27-2007
20' Warm-Up,
1 x 1600m in 5:05, jog 2'
2 x 1200m in 3:39-3:38, jog 2'
3 x 800m+ in 2:23-2:27-2:29, jog 2'
4 x 400m+ Cut-Downs in 1:14-1:19-1:15-1:11, jog 1'
10' Cool-Down
Wednesday, 11-28-2007
14 Miles Comfortable around Breakfast Loop in 1:32:53
Thursday, 11-29-2007
AM: 3 Mile Warm-Up in 23:02,
9 x 300m Up Kennesaw Mtn. (3 x Easy, 3 x Med., 3 x Hard)
1:05-1:07-1:07, 1:02-1:02-1:03, :56-:56-:57
3 Mile Cool-Down
9 Miles Total in 1:10:00
PM: 8 Miles in Macon with Josh and Perry in 1:00:00
Friday, 11-30-2007
Enmark Savannah Bridge Expo (7AM-10PM)
Saturday, 12-01-2007
10' Warm-Up
Enmark Savannah Bridge Run 5K in 16:31
5:30, 10:50 (5:20), 5:39
Sunday, 12-02-2007
14 Miles Comfortable in 1:29:40
65 Miles

* Solid early week of training, but too much work over the weekend had me coming down with perhaps the same illness my daughters have. Race was a disaster. I am just too competitive. I should not have lined up, working such long hours on my feet the day before. Took it out well and then my body just shut down. Jogged it in just to get a workout in. Long run was a CR, strangely enough, as I felt in a daze (just getting sick) and need massive amounts of rest.

However, there is no time to rest. Club Nationals is this weekend, and I need to be as sharp and as strong as possible, so I am going for a max-mileage week of no taper. Pure all-out training, entering the race fatigued, but as strong as possible. I am fit, just not 100% fit. Will transfer all workouts to the track this week for confidence.

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