Florida's Fastest over 5K-Marathon in 2006


* Quick update. Was listed above in 2006 in Florida for times of 15:18 (although I also ran 14:50), 32:20 and 1:10:10 and was not listed with my 2:39:05 for some reason (would have been #3?).

Anyway, training has been going absolutely great except for the fact that I have a "whiplash-type" injury to my neck and upper back. Not sure how it happened. I believe it was a 1-hour phone call while driving that gave me the stiff neck, either that or my 100M sprints uphill. I am pretty positive it was the phone call (thanks, Boss!).

So, tomorrow is my first serious timed workout. I re-scheduled it for Sunday, as I am flying out to Seattle for a week on Monday morning. I am debating either running it in my Spikeless Mach 9's or in my T5's, which I have been so comfortable in... I wish I could be running it on a grass field, but I just don't have a wheel to measure out the distance, so the track will have to suffice. Am aiming for 24:28 pace, or 73's. Goal for the season is to get into 30:10 XC shape, which is 29:30 shape or so on the track. Will be increasing my intensity as the season progresses.

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