Interruption in Training

* Well, I had a vicious work week in Bothell, thus my 35-Mile week. It actually could have been closer to 70-miles, but I allowed fatigue to interfere and just mentally was not motivated enough to work past the absolute dead tired-ism that I felt. For instance, I had the time to run 18M this morning, but due to the time change, I was just beat this morning, could have run it this afternoon, but once again, am just tired and am just going to start up tomorrow. Always rationalizing.

Highlight of the trip home: I drove alongside a gorgeous Aston Martin convertible. Car is amazing. So, I decided to change things up in terms of my key workouts. I have decided to "move the track to the bush," as the Africans are prone to say. I finally found a nice field in which to workout on, with level ground, nicely cut grass, and some challenging hills that also allows me to strap on my spikes and get to work. Only negative is that there is no shade, and today was just brutal.

I did slow as the workout progressed, but I was still running fluidly and strongly. I can tell I lost some fitness in my trip to Bothell, but I kept my fluidity and health, which is key. I do have to admit, that I started out aiming to run this workout on the track, bailed on that since I was not feeling 100% strong enough to nail the times, but was so glad to transition to the fields. I don't want to get "burnt out" on my runs just yet, and the track can do that to a non-track runner. I will save those efforts for the peaking season. Great work today, 90-minutes of effort. Was completely wasted after the intervals.

SWEP LEVEL 19, Days 8-14

Monday, 8-20-2007
AM: 8 Miles around Pigeon Hill in 51:19
PM: 5 Miles around Kennesaw Mountain Loop in 34:10
Tuesday, 8-21-2007
12 Miles Recovery in 1:16:31 + 8 x 100M Strides Uphill
Wednesday, 8-22-2007
2 Mile Jog in 15:01, 4 x 100M Strides
2 x @ 2000-1200-1600 on Marietta High School Fields
6:09-3:43-5:03-6:17-3:47-5:05 w/ 3' & 6' Jog Recoveries
3 Mile Jog Cool-Down in 20:53 (12M Total in 1:30:05)
Thursday, 8-23-2007
AM: 9 Miles Easy around Pigeon Hill in 58:29
PM: 5 Miles Easy around Kennesaw Mountain Loop in 30:44
Friday, 8-24-2007
13 Miles Recovery around Pigeon Hill in 1:23:35 + 8 x 100M Strides
Saturday, 8-25-2007
2 Mile Jog, 4 x 100M Strides
Nike Kickoff Classic 5K in 16:11
3 Mile Jog Cool-Down
Sunday, 8-26-2007

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