Gelindo Bordin

That's all I'm saying. I hate being sick. Dry cough. Malaise. Low-grade fever. Just no energy. Got home at 7PM tonight, so I will see if I have the motivation to get out for my secondary run. This morning's run went much better, as mentally, I realized that I have to relax on my moderate runs, as I've been going too hard, especially with the volume I want to hit. So...

I finished at 9:15PM tonight, but it was great. Ran real relaxed and finally feeling like, "listen, if you want to be serious about qualifying, you need to accept volume into your life, just for now." And so, hopefully, I have.

Brutal. I am so absolutely dead tired. I have to keep reminding myself of Canova's caution at this phase in training: "The athlete often reaches a state of general fatigue which attenuates muscle vigour, but this condition can be considered normal and should not be mistaken for an inadequate physical condition or for over-training." Because without that warning, I would feel I am completely over-doing it.. but that is the point. It's like I can handle the volume, but in no way can I handle intensity at this point. For example, today's 5 x 9' was supposed to be at 5:20-5:25 pace, and I started out at 6:20 pace and worked down to 5:50's. I just have nothing. My legs are mush, with absolutely no energy (would help to eat more and rest, but a man's gotta work).

However, I remember under Erickson's training and his 8 x 2M workouts and double 60-min runs at 6:00 pace, that there were times I was dead and could barely jog 9-min pace, which is where I am now. We shall see... I think I will recover by Thursday's long run. Hopefully, if I can wake up tomorrow.

Dude, I am burnt. I just did not feel like running. This mega-mileage is not for me with this lifestyle of career and family. So, I am going to take a small break and then gear up old-school for a solid XC season before I make any other decisions. I figure at this point in my career that quality is going to be much better than quantity. Oh well... this has happened to me in the past, so no biggie, but Chicago is out the window and the focus will be Club XC Nationals, something more realistic than 26.2 Miles at 5:20 pace at this point in my training.

Monday, 7-23-2007
AM: 11 Miles (18K) Moderate Up Cheatham Hill and Back in 1:12:38
PM: 10 Miles (16K) Moderate around Pigeon Hill + in 1:09:30

Tuesday, 7-24-2007
AM: 9 Miles (15K) Moderate around Pigeon Hill in 1:05:34
PM: 14 Miles (22K) including 5 x 9' Fast (@2500M), 3' Moderate in 1:25:55

Wednesday, 7-25-2007

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