Time to Work

Alright, so I am prepared to work. I spent all weekend psychologically programming my mind to accept the future workload that I must carry out if I am to be successful in Chicago. The mental part of this sport is vital to success.

Looking back through my training logs when I felt I was in sub-2:22 shape in 2004, I did not even realize the mileage I was putting in... it wasn't even a thought. I was just running before work, managing OTR from 10-6:30PM and then running after work in the dark.

There are 13 weeks before Chicago. In the 13 weeks prior to my 7th Place finish at the 2005 Houston Marathon, I had mileage weeks of 105-81-78-110-75-117-114-77-123-106-100-66-65 (93M Avg.), and the biggest lesson learned was that I tapered way too much after having a freak ankle sprain a week from the race. However, that summer I also placed 16th at the US Half Championships, raced a 31:04 10K, 35:22 7M, 37:44 12K, and had peak mileage weeks of 137, 132, and 128 miles of insane workouts (8 x 2 miles) in horrendous Houston heat and humidity. Looking back, I must have been insane. But, as Bill Rodgers said, sometimes insanity is what it takes to succeed in this sport.

What a day. After sitting all day in the office getting mailings sent out, I headed out for my second run, which was a bit rough and tiresome. However, laying heavily on my mind was the 10 x 100M sprints I would be doing at a @ 15% incline at the entrance of The Reserve. So, I enlisted in the assistance of my helpers, Perla, Madelyn, and Victoria. We jumped in Nelly and drove over to The Reserve and I raced Madelyn up the incline, thinking I'd get injured, but in fact, it felt great to sprint powerfully up the hill. We'll see how I feel tomorrow, but it was a lot of fun with my daughter, who is a heck of a runner already at the age of 4.

And so, we arrived in beautiful Miami, Florida, and after a late night drinking cafe con leche con tostada, I got virtually zero sleep (too much caffeine in the system + a new environment and three of us in a full bed). Plus, I was anxious for this morning's workout: a steady 10K, followed by 5 x 1K in 3:18 with 90" recovery. Weather at 8:30AM: 87-degrees, 64% humidity, and a dewpoint of 73. Nice. I was HOT. It was like I had not sweat in over a year, as my eyes were stinging (left my Oakleys in my dad's car last night), and I could barely see, let alone breath. Anyway, workout went great, and hopefully, tonight, I will run Phase II of my Special Block (10K steady + 10K in 34:10). Vacation camp has started...

And so, my motivation to train is out the window this week as a combination of family and weather has wiped out all ambition. My wife and I headed down to Marathon Key on Saturday with Eduardo and Jenny and had a great day in the Atlantic, capped off by one of the best fish dinners ever. Tons of snapper and grouper fried fillets, completely fresh, as Jenny's dad had bagged over 40-fish from the night before! Amazing, the life down here in the Keys.

Today, Sunday, is my sister's Engagement Party, and so, no long run, just fiesta, and then I will get serious starting tomorrow, Monday. Disappointing, but I should have expected this. Anyhow, Sunday was a scheduled rest due to the Special Block on Friday.

Monday, 7-09-2007
AM: 10 Miles with Short Variations of Speed through Kennesaw in 1:06:22
PM: 7 Miles Easy around Pigeon Hill in 47:10 + 10 x 100M Sprint Climbing

Tuesday, 7-10-2007
AM: 5 Miles Warming-Up on Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 32:51
PM: 7 Miles Easy around Pigeon Hill in 46:30

Wednesday, 7-11-2007
7 Miles Easy around Greymont Circle in 45:00

Thursday, 7-12-2007
12K Moderate around Pigeon Hill in 46:46

Friday, 7-13-2007
AM: 10K in 36:36 (1:29) + 5 x 1000M in 1:01:32
3:20 (1:33), 3:20 (1:38), 3:18 (1:34), 3:20 (1:45), 3:18
PM: 10K in 38:21 + 2000M in 7:15, Total of 47:11

Saturday, 7-14-2007
3 Miles Recovery on Miami Canals in the Rain in 19:39

Sunday, 7-15-2007
6 Miles Recovery with Alex Shaw in Kendall in 42:06

70 Miles

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